eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019

Analisis Perbandingan Reduksi Dimensi Principal Component Analysis (pca) Dan Partial Least Square (pls) Untuk Deteksi Kanker Menggunakan Data Microarray

Daniel Tanta Christopher Sirait (Telkom University)
Adiwijaya Adiwijaya (Telkom University)
Widi Astuti (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2019


AbstrakMenurut data WHO (World Health Organization) pada tahun 2015, 8.8 juta kematian diakibatkan olehkanker dimana angka kematian tersebut meningkat dan berkakibat fatal setiap tahunnya bila diagnosatidak dilakukan lebih dini. Oleh karena itu , tidak heran penelitian dalam bidang kanker menjadi topikutama dalam penelitian di bidang medis dan bioinformatika dan terus berkembang hingga saat ini, termasukteknologi DNA microarray. Banyak cara untuk mendeteksi kanker, salah satunya adalah teknikmicroarray. Microarray adalah teknologi yang mampu menyimpan ribuan ekspresi gen yang diambil daribeberapa jaringan manusia sekaligus. Dikarenakan oleh record data microarray yang banyak, komputasiyang dibutuhkan cukup berat. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dibutuhkan reduksi dimensi. Pada penelitianini, sistem menggunakan dua fitur ekstrasi: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Partial LeastSquare (PLS) dengan Support Vector Machine (SVM) sebagai classifier. Hal ini berguna untuk mengurangiattribute yang terlalu banyak. Sistem yang dibangun mampu mengklasifikasi kanker dan memperoleh nilairata-rata 82% dengan PCA-SVM dan 55.17% untuk PLS-SVM.Kata kunci : kanker, microarray, principal component analysis, partial least square, support vector machine.AbstractAccording to WHO data in 2015 (World Health Organization), 8.8 million deaths were caused by cancerwhere the mortality rate increased and was fatal every year if the diagnosis was not made earlier. Therefore,it is not surprising that research in the field of cancer has become a major topic in research in the medicaland bioinformatics fields and continues to grow to date, including DNA microarray technology. There aremany ways to detect cancer, one of which is the microarray technique. Microarray is a technology thatcan store thousands of gene expressions taken from several human tissues at once. Due to a large numberof microarray data records, the computing required is quite heavy. To overcome this problem, dimensionreduction is needed. In this study, the system uses two extraction features: Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Partial Least Square (PLS) with Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a classifier. This is usefulto reduce the large amount of attributes. The accuracy generated from this system averaged 82% withPCA-SVM and 55.17% for PLS-SVM.Keywords: cancer, microarray, principal component analysis, partial least square, support vector machine.

Copyrights © 2019

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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