eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019

Load Balancing Dengan Perhitungan Resource Berbasis Agent

Hirianinda Malsegianty S (Telkom University)
Catur Wirawan W (Telkom University)
Aji Gautama Putrada (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2019


AbstrakLoad balancing berbasis agent adalah salah satu metode yang sangat efektif, dengan menggunakan agentyang mengobservasi resource server dibandingkan perhitungan traffic terkecil, sehingga dapat menjagaperformansi server. Kemudian software agent merupakan program yang bertindak atas kehendak userdimana dalam paper ini agen berperan sebagai autoscaling yang telah berisi script yang akan melakukanaksi tertentu pada AWS. Auto scaling yang telah diberikan alarm memantau utilitas cpu semua serverketika mendapat request dari client. Jika nanti grafik utilitas cpu dari server tersebut melebihi thresholdmaka server tersebutakan diganti oleh load balancer dan memindahkan workload sisa ke server lainyang berada dalam grup auto scaling.Kata kunci :agen, workload, load balancer, utilitas cpu, cloudwatch, AWS, auto scalingAbstractLoad balancing based on agents is one of effective method that use agent to observe server resource ratherthan least traffic calculation, therefore server’s performance can be maintained. Software agent is aprogram that worksin the name of user where in this paper multiple agents will work as an auto scalingthat already filled with scripts to perform certain action in AWS. Auto scaling with alarms monitor CPUutility when received requests from client. If CPU utilization’s graph from that server exceed thethreshold then it will be replaced and load balancer will move the rest of the workload to another serverwithin the auto scaling group.Keywords: agent, workload, load balancer, CPU utility, cloudwatch, AWS, auto scaling 

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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