eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019

Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Menggunakan Computer Simulated Person

Natanael Antonius (Telkom University)
Amaliyah Rohsari Indah Utami (Telkom University)
Wahyu Sujatmiko (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2019


Dewasa ini manusia menghabiskan hampir sebagian waktunya di dalam ruangan, maka dari itu kenyamanan termal perlu diwujudkan. Namun kenyamanan termal dalam suatu ruangan hanya dapat dianalisa setelah ruangantersebut telah dibangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi kondisi termal dalam ruangan. Prediksitersebut diperoleh dengan menggunakan simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) terhadap ComputerSimulated Person (CSP). CSP dianalogikan sebagai manusia dalam ruangan simulasi. Hasil simulasi tersebutdibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen menggunakan manikin fisik dalam suatu ruangan. Parameter yangdibandingkan adalah kecepatan udara (U) dan temperatur (T) yang diambil pada tiga titik uji. Perbandingantersebut dilakukan untuk validasi model CSP dalam memprediksi kondisi termal. Kriteria validasi berupaNormalized Mean Bias Error (NMBE, Coefficient of Variation of the Root Mean Square Error (CV RSME), danCoefficient of Determination (R2). Nilai NMBE U dan T adalah 0.63% dan 0.003%, nilai CV RSME U dan Tadalah 2.34% dan 0.016%, nilai R2 U dan T adalah 0.99 dan 0.981. CSP yang telah divalidasi digunakan untukmemprediksi kenyamanan termal ruangan Laboratorium Fisika Bangunan Universitas Telkom. Hasil prediksimenunjukkan kenyamanan termal didapatkan pada posisi CSP yang berada pada bagian depan dan tengahruangan.Kata kunci : Computer Simulated Person, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Validasi Model, KenyamananTermal.Recently,most people spend their live indoor, therefore thermal comfort needs to be realized. But the thermal comfort in a room can only be analyzed after the room has been built. Objective of this study is to predict thethermal conditions in the room. The prediction is obtained by using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)simulation to a Computer Simulated Person (CSP). CSP is analogous to humans in a simulation room. Thesimulation results are compared with the results of experiments using physical manikin in a room. Comparedparameters are air velocity (U) and temperature (T) taken at the three test points. The purpose behind thecomparison is to validate the CSP model in predicting thermal conditions. Validation criteria are NormalizedMean Bias Error (NMBE), Coefficient of Variation of the Root Mean Square Error (CV RSME), and Coefficientof Determination (𝑅2). Value of NMBE U and T are 0.63% and 0.003%, value of CV RSME U and T are 2.34%and 0.016%, values of 𝑅2 U and T are 0.99 and 0.981. The validated CSP is used to predict the thermal comfortof the Telkom University Building Physics Laboratory Room The prediction results show that thermal comfort isobtained at the CSP position in the section front and center of the room. Keywords: Computer Simulated Person, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Model Validation, Thermal Comfort

Copyrights © 2019

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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