MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Vol 3 (2016): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis

Perhitungan Kebutuhan Tenaga Berdasarkan Beban Kerja Dalam Pengurusannya Klaim Asuransi Rumah Sakit Asri Jakarta

Garis Gemilang (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Nov 2018


ABSTRACT A medical record is a collection of facts or evidence of the patient's condition, past and present medical history and treatment written by the health profession that provides services to the patient. Asri Hospital is a specialized hospital for surgery and reproductive services. Based on observations made there is no special officer who handles the claim insurance and there are double jobs or one medical record officers do double jobs so there are jobs that are not resolved on time. The scope of this study regarding the calculation of personnel needs based on workload in the management of insurance claims Asri Hospital. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. Based on the results of the study, the amount of power generated based on WISN calculations required one medical record person to handle insurance claims. In order for the absence of double work, the job description in the Asri Hospital Medical Record Unit is renewed. Special consideration should be given to the addition of medical record officers and the management of insurance claims, as the medical records are confidential. ABSTRAK Rekam medis adalah kumpulan dari fakta-fakta atau bukti keadaan pasien, riwayat penyakit dan pengobatan masa lalu serta saat ini yang ditulis oleh profesi kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien. Rumah Sakit Asri merupakan rumah sakit khusus bedah dan pelayanan reproduksi. Berdasarkan obervasi yang dilakukan didapat tidak ada petugas khusus yang menangani pengurusan klaim asuransi serta terdapat pekerjaan ganda atau satu orang petugas rekam medis mengerjakan pekerjaan rangkap sehingga terdapat pekerjaan yang tidak terselesaikan pada tepat waktu. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini mengenai perhitungan kebutuhan tenaga berdasarkan beban kerja dalam pengurusan klaim asuransi Rumah Sakit Asri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka jumlah tenaga yang dihasilkan berdasarkan perhitungan WISN dibutuhkan satu orang tenaga rekam medis untuk pengurusan klaim asuransi. Agar tidak adanya pekerjaan ganda, maka uraian tugas di Unit Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit Asri diperbaharui kembali. Perlu pertimbangan khusus penambahan petugas rekam medis dan pengurusan klaim asuransi, mengingat rekam medis bersifat rahasia.

Copyrights © 2016

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Education Health Professions Public Health Other


MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis is a Scientific Electronic Journal of the Medical Recorder and Health Information Academy of Bhumi Husada Jakarta (APIKES BHJ) in order to accommodate the research results of APIKES BHJ lecturers and students as well as other authors outside the APIKES BHJ ...