Journal of Medives: Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang
Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Journal of Medives : Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang

Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru Matematika saat Situasi Contingency di Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

Meiliasari Meiliasari (Universitas Negeri Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Jul 2020


Kompleksitas situasi belajar mengajar di kelas sering kali menyulitkan bagi guru pemula terlebih lagi mahasiswa calon guru. Mata kuliah Praktik Keterampilan Mengajar (PKM) merupakan kesempatan pertama bagi mahasiswa calon guru untuk mengajar di kelas. Minimnya pengalaman mengajar di kelas, terkadang menyulitkan mereka dalam mengambil keputusan sesaat yang dibutuhkan di dalam kelas. Situasi di kelas yang tidak direncanakan dan tidak diduga sebelumnya dikenal dengan istilah contingency. Artikel ini fokus memaparkan hasil penyelidikan tentang bagaimana respon mahasiswa calon guru matematika dalam menghadapi contingency di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi case study dengan melibatkan 4 orang mahasiswa calon guru yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah PKM. Data diperoleh dengan rekaman video saat mahasiswa mengajar di kelas dan wawancara individu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua pemicu contingency yaitu jawaban siswa yang tidak terduga dan ketidaksesuaian penggunaan waktu. Selain itu mahasiswa menggunakan pendekatan tradisional saat menghadapi contingency di kelas. Hal ini mengindikasikan pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) mahasiswa berpegaruh terhadap pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan. Kata kunci: matematika, mahasiswa calon guru, contingency, pedagogical content knowledge. ABSTRACT The complexcity of classroom teaching is found to be one of the difficulties for pre-service teachers. Most pre-service teachers encounter authentic classroom teaching when they do teaching practice in a school. With little or no teaching experience, it is difficult for pre-service teachers to act in the moment during the teaching. Unplanned situations in a classroom is called contingency. This paper focuses on investigating how pre-service teachers act in the moment when responding to contingency. Case study methodology is used in this research. Four pre-service teachers were involved, data are collected through video observation, interview and fieldnotes. The findings showed that the contingency is triggered by unplanned student’s answers and the misused of time. Moreover, this study also found that pre-service teachers used traditional teaching when responding to contingency, indicating that their PCK contributes to their action. Keywords: mathematics, pre-service teachers, contingency, pedagogical content knowledge.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Mathematics Other


Journal of Medives : Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang is designed to lecturers, researchers, mathematics teachers, and university students who want to publish their research reports about mathematics education. This journal publishes original articles of action research, ...