Jurnal Agroteknos
Vol 1, No 2 (2011)


Resman Resman (Jurusan Agroteknologi FAPERTA Universitas Haluoleo Kendari 93232)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Jun 2023


ABSTRACT The research was conducted in the Pugeran village, Yogyakarta in 2006.  The aims of this  research  were  to  know  the  morphology and  soil  characteristic.    Research  findings showed that the soil had many alluvial materials with different sizes (granular, rough and rather rough).  It was caused the activity of Merapi Mountain’s cold lava that was brought by river flow.   Observation and laboratory analysis indicated that some  soil characteristics were  soil color between 10 YR 2/2 and 10 YR 6/2, soil texture geluhan sand, pH (H20) 5,41-5,68, pH (KCl) 4,95-5,54, pH (NaF) 8,62-9,48 and organic materials 4,11%-9,44%.   The soil was dominated by brown and black colors, caused by the high content of organic materials in the inceptisol and entisol.   The soil texture” geluhan sand” was caused by the soil development and establishment processes that were not quite intensive.   The difference between pH (KCl) and pH (H2O) at all horizons in the profile had a negative value, with an interval of -0.15 to -1.35.  The negative value of the pH difference indicated that the soil in the observed area was dominated by negative content.   pH (NaF) was decreased by the increase of ”jeluk tanah”.  This was caused by the cleansing processes of iron and aluminum amorf in each soil horizon. Organic materials on the top horizon were higher than the other horizons.  This was because the top horizon received many organic materials coming from decomposed died plants and animals from higher areas.Keyword: Morphology, alluvial material, soil characteristic

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