Paulus Civil Engineering Journal
Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Paulus Civil Engineering Journal, Volume 5, No.2

Korelasi Kuat Tekan Bebas (UCT) Dengan Kuat Geser Langsung (Direct Shear Test) Pada Tanah Lempung

Chriznawati Sari (Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus)
Irwan Lie Keng Wong (Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus)
Helen Adri Irene Sopacua (Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2023


This study aims to determine the correlation of compressive streght and shear strength in clay varied with bottom ash mixture. The soil tested in this study came from Jl.Poros Malino-Makassar, RW 63 Paringgi, Kec. Tinggi moncong , Kab. Gowa, South Sulawesi. In the contruction of structuction on clay soil will cause several problems, such as the small value of the compressive strength and shear strength of the soil. In order to know the results. To see the behavior of this structure, bottom ash is mixed with bottom ash mixture variations.To find out the effect of combining clay soil with bottom ash on compressive strength and shear strength vales, it was done by combining bottom ash of 0%, 15%,20%,25%, and 30%. The test was carried out mechanically, namely direct shear strength and compressive strength testing to determine the correlation vetween the stress value (qu) and the direct shear value (Cu). From the results of this independent com[pressive strength test, the highest stress value (qu) was obtained at point 1 obtained at 30% variation of 0.278 (kg/cm2) and the direct shear strength lest obtained the highst direct shear value (Cu) at poin 1 obtaind at 30% variation of 0.111 (kg/cm2), at poin the 2 largest stress values (qu) are at 30% variation of 0.262 (kg/cm2) and the largest direct shear values (Cu) are at 30% variation of 0.103 (kg/cm2) . So it can be said that the value of the independent compressive strength test and the direct shear strength value are correlated with eact other because both have increased, the higher the bottom ash dose, the higjer the direct shear value (Cu) and the stress value (qu).

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Transportation


Paulus Civil Engineering Journal (PCEJ) is a civil engineering scientific journal publishes every four months, March, June, September, and December. The first volume of PCEJ was published in 2019 with the mission of being a pioneer in publishing information media on the development of Civil ...