Aktivitas Pro-Apoptosis Fraksi Air Daun Jawer Kotok (Plectranthus Scutellaroides) pada Ekor Larva Katak Rana Catesbeiana Stadium Metamorfosis Klimaks

Moektiwardoyo, Moelyono (Unknown)
Dian, Putu (Unknown)
Diantini, Ajeng (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Dec 2015


ABSTRAK Daun Jawer kotok (Plectranthus scutellaroides), diketahui banyak mempunyai manfaat dalam pengobatan tradisional, salah satunya  sebagai antiinflamasi yang menjadi langkah awal pencarian anti kanker dari tumbuhan. Kanker adalah suatu penyakit yang diakibatkan terjadinya mutasi gen yang mengakibatkan kelainan pada kromosom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas pro-apoptosis fraksi polar daun jawer kotok (Plectranthus scutellaroides) terhadap ekor larva katak Rana catesbeiana saat stadium metamorfosis klimaks. Fraksi polar daun jawer kotok diperoleh melalui fraksinasi ekstrak etanol yang diperoleh dengan cara maserasi  dalam pelarut non polar, semi polar, dan pelarut polar. Metode pengujian aktivitas pro-apoptosis adalah dengan menghitung frekuensi sel apoptosis diantara sel nekrosis dan sel normal per seribu sel per ekor larva katak di bawah mikroskop. Jenis kematian sel ditentukan dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa fraksi polar daun jawer kotok dengan beberapa variasi   dosis mempengaruhi  frekuensi sel apoptosis jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol (a = 0,05). Frekuensi sel apoptosis tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh dosis 500 mg/kg BB yaitu sebesar 79,51%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa fraksi polar daun jawer kotok  menunjukkan  aktivitas pro-apoptosis pada ekor larva katak Rana catesbeiana stadium metamorfosis klimaks.Kata kunci :   Plectratus scutellaroides, apoptosis, Rana catesbeianaABSTRACTLeaves of jawer kotok (Plectranthus scutellaroides) has many benefits in tusing of traditional medicine, one among  them is antiinflammation which can be starting point of seeking and discovering of anticancer from plants. Cancer is one of disease due to gen mutation that effect anomaly of chromosom. The purpose of this experiment was to identify the pro-apoptotic activity of polar fraction of jawer kotok leaves on Rana catesbeiana tadpole tail in climax metamorphosis phase. Polar fraction was obtained through fractination of ethanolic extract which are made by maceration method in non polar, semi polar, and polar solvents.  The method use in this experiment was calculating the apoptotic cell frequency between necrotic cells and normal cells which were counted per one thousand of tadpole tails cells under microscope. The modes of cell death determined by Giemsa staining. The experiment showed that variation of dose of polar fraction of jawer kotok leaves is affecting  the frequency of apoptotic cell death compared with control (a = 0.05). Dose of 500 mg/kg body weight of water fraction of jawer kotok leaves gave the highest apoptotic cell frequency (79.51 %) between normal and necrotic cell. It can be concluded that polar fraction of jawer kotok leaves has pro-apoptotic activity on Rana catesbeiana tadpole tail in climax metamorphosis phase.Keywords: Plectranthus scutellaroides, apoptosis, Rana catesbeiana

Copyrights © 2015

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