JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi)
Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Vol 9, No. 1 (2023)


Vera Mita Nia (Universitas Pakuan)
Ossi Ferli (STIE Indonesia Banking School)
Irvan Novikri (IPB University)
Roy Sembel (IPMI International Business School)
Adler Haymans Manurung (Bhayangkara University Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2023


ABSTRACTIncreasing market capitalization is characterized by high volatility but doesn’t have the ability and potential for monetary function, Crypto world eventually shifted into the most attractive investment in the digital economy. Numerous published studies have required some improvement in the consistent relationship between commodities and financial assets and the authors proposed an alternative assessment with demonstrating the relationship between the trading volume activity of the most traded cryptocurrency in Indonesia (i.e., Ethereum) and other investment assets in Indonesia such as market indexes, rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, and gold, and related to cryptocurrencies in Indonesia which observed in over the last three years. A Var model as a quantitative and statistical approach introduced and tested the stationary data with significancy value to identify the level of acceptance model. Consistency results from previous studies where Ethereum has the largest average return but higher risk and Gold as safer investment, ultimately diversification of the investment portfolio is suggested considering the degree of risk aversion.ABSTRAKKapitalisasi pasar yang meningkat ditandai dengan volatilitas yang tinggi namun tidak memiliki kemampuan dan potensi fungsi moneter, dunia Crypto akhirnya bergeser menjadi investasi paling menarik di ekonomi digital. Sejumlah penelitian yang diterbitkan memerlukan beberapa perbaikan dalam hubungan yang konsisten antara komoditas dan aset keuangan dan penulis mengusulkan penilaian alternatif dengan menunjukkan hubungan antara aktivitas volume perdagangan mata uang kripto yang paling banyak diperdagangkan di Indonesia (yaitu, Ethereum) dan aset investasi lainnya di Indonesia seperti indeks pasar, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar, dan emas, serta terkait cryptocurrency di Indonesia yang diamati selama tiga tahun terakhir. Model Var sebagai pendekatan kuantitatif dan statistik memperkenalkan dan menguji data stasioner dengan nilai signifikansi untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat penerimaan model. Hasil konsistensi dari studi sebelumnya di mana Ethereum memiliki pengembalian rata-rata terbesar tetapi risiko lebih tinggi dan Emas sebagai investasi yang lebih aman, pada akhirnya diversifikasi portofolio investasi disarankan dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat penghindaran risiko.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi (JIMFE) aims to publish scientific articles in management which can give contribution to the education and development of the science. JIMFE welcomes empirical, theoretical, and case-based studies articles which are relevant to all management aspects ...