Jurnal Pertanian Agros
Vol 25, No 3 (2023): edisi Juli


Muhammad Reza Fahlevi (Unknown)
Yusmaidar Sepriani (Unknown)
Novilda Elizabeth Mustamu (Unknown)
Widya Lestari (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Dec 2023


The research was conducted in block A16C Afdiling I planting year 2016 (OP 16) at PT. Supra Matra Abadi Aek Nabara Garden (KAN) in Bilah Hulu District, Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra. This study aims to determine the amount of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) production in the next 6 months (for one semester). A census of block A16C black fruit is carried out to find out how many tonnes will be produced within 6 months and the budget for harvesting costs. The Black Bunch Census (BBC) is conducted twice a year in mid-December and June. This research was conducted in the third week of December 21-28 using a completely randomized design (CRD). The area of the block is 30 ha with the number of trees to be censused at 10%, so the total area of 3 ha is equivalent to 435 trees of oil palm. The characteristics of oil palm fruit that can be censused are broken flowers, clove flowers, coffee flowers, black fruits, red fruits, and loose fruits. The results of the census showed that there were 3,659 stalks of oil palm fruit or 8.4 stalks/tree. BJR yields for block A16C in December 2022 were 16 kg/head, 8.4 stems/tree, and 145 trees/ha. So the FFB production in the next 6 months starting from January to June is 19,488 kg/ha. This block totals 30 hectares, so the total production is 584,640 kg/block. INTISARI                  Penelitian dilakukan di blok A16C Afdiling I tahun tanam 2016 (OP 16) pada PT. Supra Matra Abadi Kebun Aek Nabara (KAN) Kecamatan Bilah Hulu, Labuhanbatu, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah produksi Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) dalam 6 bulan yang akan datang (selama satu semester). Sensus buah hitam block A16C dilakukan agar dapat diketahui berapa ton yang akan dihasilkan dalam waktu 6 bulan dan anggaran biaya panennya. Sensus Buah Hitam Black Bunch Census (BBC) dilakukan dua kali dalam setahun pada pertengahan bulan Desember dan Juni. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada minggu ketiga bulan Desember tanggal 21-28 dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Luas blok sebesar 30 ha dengan jumlah pokok yang akan disensus sebesar 10%, maka total luasannya sebesar 3 ha setara dengan 435 pokok kelapa sawit. Ciri buah kelapa sawit yang boleh disensus yaitu bunga pecah, bunga cengkeh, bunga copi, buah hitam, buah merah, dan buah brondol. Hasil sensus menunjukkan sebanyak 3.659 janjang buah kelapa sawit atau sebesar 8,4 janjang/pokok. Hasil BJR pada blok A16C di bulan Desember 2022 memiliki berat 16 kg/janjang, 8,4 janjang/pokok, dan 145 pokok/ha. Maka hasil produksi TBS dalam 6 bulan yang akan datang dimulai dari bulan Januari–Juni sebesar 19.488 kg/ha. Pada blok ini berjumlah 30 Ha maka hasil produksi keseluruhannya yaitu 584.640 kg/blok.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Jurnal Pertanian Agros (JPA) is published by Faculty of Agriculture, Janabadra University and the Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI). It available online supported by Directorate General of Higher Education - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education- Republic of Indonesia JPA ...