Journal of Digital Law and Policy
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Digital Law and Policy - September 2023

An Examination of Cybercrimes Leading to Vulnerabilities in Energy, Transportation, and Financial Systems

Ni Ketut Tri Srilaksmi (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan)
Moh. Erkamim (Universitas Tunas Pembangunan)
Naylah Dzakiah (Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)
Ngakan Kompiang Adi Suardana (Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)
Ni Kadek Sri Devi Putri Swambini (Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Sep 2023


The commencement of the current decade is the primary milestone in the progression from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0. The contemporary period necessitates the ability of individuals from all strata of society to effectively acclimate to the rapid advancements in technology. In the context of Society 5.0, which emphasizes the central role of human beings in generating novel value through technical advancements, there exists the potential to mitigate future disparities among individuals and address economic challenges. The potential risks that may emerge are diverse, intangible in tangible terms, and characterized by uncertainty. The aforementioned threat is a cyber threat that possesses the capacity to inflict significant losses upon a nation. One potential future development of significant consequence involves the occurrence of cyberattacks against essential national assets or critical infrastructure, including but not limited to renewable energy facilities, transportation networks, and financial institutions. Hence, it is imperative for all nations to possess the capability to effectively organize training programs, establish fresh military units, and enhance their individual national defense capabilities. In brief, the text elucidates the prevailing societal transition towards Society 5.0, which underscores the vital role of humans in technology progress. This highlights the potential advantages of this transition, such as the mitigation of inequalities and economic difficulties, while also stressing the importance of implementing strong cybersecurity protocols to prevent possible cyber risks in this dynamic technological environment.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


Journal of Digital Law and Policy cover issues regarding law and policy in realm of digitalization. To seek any legal analysis and case reports to academics, legislators, professionals and industries in the following scope : Intellectual Property Right Consumer Protection Law Electronic Transactions ...