Rona Teknik Pertanian
Vol 16, No 2 (2023): Volume No. 16, No. 2, Oktober 2023

Rancang Bangun dan Pengujian Kinerja Bucket Elevator pada Mesin Pengering Gabah Tipe Sirkulasi

Arif Samudiantono (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
Suparlan Suparlan (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
Marulloh Marulloh (Balai Besar Pengujian Standardisasi Instrumen Mekanisasi Pertanian)
Mulyani Mulyani (Balai Besar Pengujian Standardisasi Instrumen Mekanisasi Pertanian)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Oct 2023


Abstrak. Pengeringan gabah di lantai jemur pada saat musim hujan biasanya tidak dapat dilakukan secara maksimal karena terkendala oleh curah hujan. Oleh karena itu proses pengeringan harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pengering buatan agar dihasilkan mutu beras yang baik. Salah satu mesin pengering yang banyak berkembang dan digunakan di Indonesia adalah mesin pengering tipe sirkulasi. Untuk mensirkulasikan gabah pada mesin pengering tipe sirkulasi diperlukan bucket elevator yang kapasitas angkutnya harus sesuai dengan laju aliran gabah yang keluar dari bagian rol pengatur aliran gabah (rotary valve). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membuat dan menguji prototipe bucket elevator pada mesin pengering tipe sirkulasi. Metode penelitian meliputi perancangan, pembuatan dan pengujian prototipe mesin. Perancangan bucket elevator dilakukan menggunakan software solidwork. dan dilanjutkan ke tahap pembuatan prototipe dan pengujian kinerja. Pengujian kinerja dilakukan pada berbagai kecepatan putar bucket elevator yaitu 200, 225, 250 dan 275 rpm. Hasil perancangan dihasilkan prototipe bucket elevator yang memiliki dimensi panjang 1330 mm, lebar 600 mm dan tinggi 5490 mm. Hasil pengujian kinerja menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas bucket elevator maksimal sebesar 2683 kg/jam yang dicapai pada kecepatan putar 200 rpm. Kapasitas tersebut telah sesuai dengan kapasitas aliran gabah yang keluar dari bagian rotary valve dan screw conveyor pada mesin pengering padi tipe sirkulasi yang dikembangkan. Design and Performance Test of Bucket Elevator on Circulation Type of Paddy DryerAbstract. Drying of paddy on the drying floor during the rainy season usually cannot be conducted optimally because it is constrained by rainfall. Therefore, the drying process must be carried out using artificial dryers to produce the good quality of rice. One of the most developed and used paddy dryer in Indonesia is a circulation type grain dryer. To circulate the paddy in the circulation type paddy dryer is needed a bucket elevator which the capacity is meet with the flow rate oddy that comes out of the rotary valve of the grain regulator in the dryer. The purpose of this research was to design, to build and to test a prototype of bucket elevator on circulation type paddy dryer. The methods of this research include designing, manufacturing and testing of a prototype machine. The design of bucket elevator was done using solid works software, followed by prototyping and performance testing. Performance test was carried out at various bucket elevator rotational speed of 200, 225, 250, and 275 rpm. The results of the design produced a prototype bucket elevator that has dimensions length of 1330 mm, width of 660 mm, and height of 5490 mm. The result of performance test indicated that the maximum capacity of bucket elevator was 2683 kg/h which was achieved at a rotational speed of 200 rpm. This capacity is in accordance with the capacity of the grain flow out of the rotary valve and screw conveyor in the circulation type paddy dryer that was developed.

Copyrights © 2023

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Engineering


JRTP is the official journal from the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah), Banda Aceh-Indonesia. It covers and devotes a complete and interdisciplinary wide range of research and review in engineering applications for agriculture and ...