Vol 5, No 1 (2012): March 2012


Suseno, Deky Aji ( Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Sunarto, St ( Universitas Negeri Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Dec 2015


The research aimed to seek factors causing ineffectiveness of Polder Tawang; the loss due to rob, the need, and the priority scale program in optimizing the polder. Its locus was Semarang city, especially areas located nearby the polder affected by rob such as Johar, Jurnatan, and Tawan station. Data was gathered by conducting interview, observation, and documentation. To analyze the data, description and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) were employed. The result revealed that there were barriers in the management of Tawang Polder. The internal barriers were the broken water pump, leaking pump, unwaterproof polder, and polder which has less capacity over the water, and area which has less capacity to obsorb the water. The external factors were conflict areas, unwell managed infrastructure and rubbish, and inappropiate drainage system. These conditions led to some losses. They were the two working hours loss, and 11-15% downfall of turnover. Hence, there is a need to manage Tawang Polder either internally or externally. The internal ones are draining pump, waterproof pond, and absorption area determination. The external ones are independent polder management enabling the focus of the work, the involvement of consultant, monitoring , and better participation to optimize the polder. The priority programs resulted from AHP analysis were found to be government policy, infrastructure aspect, social and technical management aspect. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab belum efektifnya Polder Tawang meliputi bentuk dan nilai kerugian yang diderita akibat rob,kebutuhan yang diperlukan, skala prioritas optimalisasi. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Kota Semarang, khusus di daerah – daerah sekitar Polder Tawang yang terkena rob seperti kawasan Johar, Jurnatan, dan Stasiun Tawang. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian adalah terdapat hambatan – hambatan dalam pengelolaan Polder Tawang. Hambatan internal adalah kerusakan pompa air, pipa yang bocor, kolam polder tidak kedap air, dan kapasitas polder yang tidak sesuai dengan kapasitas debit air yang masuk dan tidak sesuai dengan wilayah tangkapan air. Hambatan eksternal lahan yang masih dalam perselisihan, pengelolaan sarana belum baik, sampah dan subsistem drainase tidak sesuai. Kerugian masyarakat turunnya jam kerja rata–rata 2 jam dan penurunan omset 11-15%. Kebutuhan pengelolaan Polder Tawang yaituinternal dan eksternal. Kebutuhan internal yaitu perlu pompa pembuangan, kolam yang kedap air dan penetapan catchment area. Eksternal adalah adanya manajemen pengelolaan polder yang terpisah agar fokus, dan keterlibatan konsultan, monitoring, dan berpartisipasi dalam optimalisasi polder. Skala prioritas analisis AHPdalam optimalisasi Polder Tawang adalah kebijakan pemerintah, aspek infrastruktur, aspek sosial dan aspek teknis pengelolaan.

Copyrights © 2012

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Economics, Econometrics & Finance


JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan p-ISSN 1979-715X | e-ISSN 2460-5123 is a scientific journal that contains the results of research and theoretical studies in the field of economic development, especially on matters of economic policy in Indonesia was published by the Department of Economic ...