Kosala : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan


Risa Setia Ismandani (STIKES PANTI KOSALA)
Anastasia Lina Dwi Nursanti (STIKES PANTI KOSALA)
Hendra Dwi Kurniawan (STIKES PANTI KOSALA)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Nov 2023


Penyelenggaraan pelayanan di rumah sakit yang professional dan bertanggung jawab dibutuhkan dalam mendukung upaya kesehatan dalam rangkaian pembangunan kesehatan secara menyeluruh dan terpadu. Tujuan pembangunan kesehatan dapat tercapai salah satunya dari mutu pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan. Transformasi teknologi kesehatan merupakan wujud nyata yang relevan dengan situasi kesehatan dan era 4.0 saat ini. Salah satu bentuk transformasi digital yang bisa diterapkan di rumah sakit yaitu dengan penerapan rekam medis elektronik untuk mengelola dokumen rekam medis pasien. Diharapan dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pelayanan. Namun salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan rekam medis elektronik berkaitan dengan sumber daya manusia.  Beragamnya persepsi pengguna dalam implementasi rekam medis elektronik akan memperlama proses pelayanan dan menambah beban kerja yang mana hal ini mengurangi kepuasan kerja pengguna (tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan). Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepuasan tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan dalam implementasi rekam medis elektronik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Sampel  yang digunakan adalah tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan di RUMAH SAKIT Dr. OEN KANDANG SAPI SOLO sejumlah 100 responden. Berdasarkan analisa univariat diperoleh hasil kepuasan tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan dalam implementasi rekam medis elektronik dilihat dari tujuh dimensi yaitu: dimensi content (89% responden puas dan 11% tidak puas), dimensi accuracy (86% responden puas dan 14% tidak puas), dimensi format (82% responden puas dan 18% tidak puas), dimensi easy to use (85% responden puas dan 15% tidak puas), dimensi timeliness (87% responden puas dan 13% tidak puas), dimensi security (95% responden puas dan 5% tidak puas), dan dimensi speed of response (84% responden puas dan 16% tidak puas).   Kata Kunci : kepuasan, rekam medis elektronik   Professional and responsible service delivery in hospitals is needed to support health efforts in a comprehensive and integrated health development series. One of the goals of health development can be achieved from the quality of health services provided. Health technology transformation is a concrete manifestation that is relevant to the current health situation and the 4.0 era. One form of digital transformation that can be applied in hospitals is the application of electronic medical records to manage patient medical record documents. Hopefully it can simplify and speed up the service process. However, one of the challenges faced in implementing electronic medical records is related to human resources. The various perceptions of users in the implementation of electronic medical records will prolong the service process and increase the workload which reduces the job satisfaction of users (medical personnel and health workers). So it is necessary to do research on this matter. This study is to describe the satisfaction of medical personnel and health workers in the implementation of electronic medical records. Sample in this study is 100 respondents that are medical and health professional at Dr. OEN KANDANG SAPI SOLO HOSPITAL. The conclussion of this study are medical and health professional in the implementation of electronic medical record satisfaction were seen from seven dimensions, that are: content dimensions (89% of respondents were satisfied and 11% dissatisfied), dimensional accuracy (86% of respondents were satisfied and 14% were dissatisfied), format dimensions ( 82% of respondents are satisfied and 18% are dissatisfied), the dimension is easy to use (85% of respondents are satisfied and 15% are not satisfied), the dimension of timeliness (87% of respondents are satisfied and 13% are not satisfied), the dimension of security (95% of respondents are satisfied and 5 % dissatisfied), and response speed dimensions (84% of respondents were satisfied and 16% were dissatisfied.   Keywords : electronic medical record, satisfaction

Copyrights © 2023

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Health Professions


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