Al-Hukama: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): Juni 2014


Article Info

Publish Date
18 Jun 2014


Abstract: This article discusses the development of Islamic family law in the modern Muslim world. The development of Islamic law in modern countries particularly those associated with al-ahwal al-shakhsiyyah (Islamic family law) can be regarded as a new format that accommodates the idea of the renewal of phenomenal Islamic legal thought. The novelty in Islamic family law can be seen from the moving of Islamic jurisprudence towards positive law in the form of legislation within the Muslim countries. The efforts of the Islamic family law reform aims to a legal unification, to raise the status of woman, to respond the development and demand of the time because the concept of traditional jurisprudence is considered less able to adopt. The legal systems in the Islamic world today are classified into three groups, namely: (1) the systems that still recognize Islamic shari’ah as the basis of law of human, namely Saudi Arabia; (2) the  systems that have already leaved Islamic shari’ah and replace it with a secular law, namely Turkey; (3) the systems that compromise both of the above systems, namely Indonesia and Egypt.Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang perkembangan hukum keluarga Islam di dunia muslim modern. Perkembangan hukum Islam di negara modern terutama yang berhubungan dengan al-ah}wāl al-Shakhsiyyah (hukum keluarga Islam) dapat dikatakan sebagai format baru yang mengakomodasikan gagasan-gagasan pembaharuan pemikiran hukum Islam yang relatif fenomenal. Hal baru dalam hukum keluarga tersebut bisa dapat dilihat dari keberanjakannya dari hukum fikih menuju hukum positif yang berupa peraturan perundang-undangan di negara muslim tersebut. Usaha pembaharuan hukum keluarga Islam bertujuan untuk unifikasi hukum negara, mengangkat status wanita, merespons perkembangan dan tuntutan zaman karena konsep fikih tradisional dianggap kurang mampu menjawabnya. Sistem-sistem hukum di dunia Islam sekarang, secara garis besar bisa dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yakni: 1. Sistem yang masih mengakui syariah sebagai hukum asasi dan masih menerapkannya secara utuh, yakni Saudi Arabia. 2. Sistem yang meninggalkan syariah dan menggantikannya dengan hukum yang sekuler, contohnya yakni Turki. 3. Sistem yang mengompromikan kedua sistem di atas, yakni Indonesia dan Mesir.

Copyrights © 2014

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Religion Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Al-Hukama serves academic discussions of any Indonesian Islamic family law issues from various perspectives, such as gender, history, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, psychology, philosophy, human rights, disability and minorities, digital discourse, and others. It intends to contribute to the ...