Al-Hukama: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2015): Desember 2015


Article Info

Publish Date
28 Dec 2015


Abstract: This study deals with Islam’s response to contemporary issues, particularly to address the issues of the ultrasound technology. The results of the research are:  first, ultrasound is a diagnostic technique for testing the inner structure of the body that involves the formation of two-dimensional shadows with ultrasonic wave. The advantage of the ultrasound technique is that it can detect the presence of the fetus in the womb of a woman at the age of 5-7 weeks of pregnancy. In Islamic jurisprudence discourse, there are some opinions among the Muslim scholars who confirm the wisdom of ‘iddah (the waiting period) for woman that it is more dominant to a biological factor which wants to know the net of the womb. Whereas the ultrasound technique is able to determine or detect the woman’s uterus weather she is pregnant or not without having to wait up to three months or four months and ten days. Second, the ultrasound technique can detect fetus quickly and accurately. It cannot affect the provision of ‘iddah which is mentioned in al-Qur’an since bara’atur rahm is the wisdom of ‘iddah. On the other hands, the wisdom cannot be relied in forming law. In addition, the wisdom of determining ‘iddah is not only seen from one side but there are some things behind the regulation of ‘iddah. They are as a tribute to her husband who had died, giving an opportunity return for a man and a woman, as well as a way of worship in carrying out the command of Allah (ta'abbudi) which is ghair ma'qul al-ma'na (the law does not absolutely require a logic).Abstrak: Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan respon Islam terhadap persoalan kontemporer, khususnya untuk menjawab permasalahan seputar tekhnologi USG. Hasil penelitiannya, pertama, USG adalah teknik diagnostik untuk pengujian struktur badan bagian dalam yang melibatkan formasi bayangan dua dimensi dengan gelombang ultrasonik. Kelebihan dari USG adalah dapat mendeteksi adanya janin dalam rahim wanita pada usia kehamilan 5-7 minggu. Dalam wacana fiqh, banyak sekali pendapat ulama’ yang mengukuhkan bahwa hikmah ‘iddah bagi perempuan dominan berkaitan dangan faktor biologis, yaitu ingin mengetahui bersihnya rahim seseorang, sedangkan USG mampu mengetahui atau mendeteksi keadaan rahim wanita apakah hamil atau tidak tanpa perlu menunggu sampai tiga bulan atau empat bulan sepuluh hari. Kedua, USG yang dapat mendeteksi janin secara cepat dan akurat, tidak dapat mempengaruhi ketetapan ‘iddah dalam nas Al-Qur’an, karena bara’atur rahm merupakan hikmah ‘iddah, dan hikmah tidak bisa dijadikan sandaran dalam pembentukan hukum. Selain itu, karena rahasia hikmah penetapan ‘iddah tidak hanya dari satu sisi saja (bersihnya rahim), akan tetapi ada beberapa hal yang melatarbelakangi syari’at ‘iddah ini, yaitu sebagai penghormatan kepada suami yang telah meninggal, memberikan peluang ruju’ bagi pria dan wanita, serta sebagai suatu ibadah dalam melaksanakan perintah Allah (ta’abbudi) yang bersifat ghair ma’qul al-ma’na (hukumnya mutlak tidak memerlukan nalar secara akal).

Copyrights © 2015

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Religion Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Al-Hukama serves academic discussions of any Indonesian Islamic family law issues from various perspectives, such as gender, history, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, psychology, philosophy, human rights, disability and minorities, digital discourse, and others. It intends to contribute to the ...