Al-Hukama: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2015): Desember 2015


Article Info

Publish Date
28 Dec 2015


Abstract: The contemporary technology certainly influences on the response of Islamic law in determining the legal status. This research is in response to the question of technological development in the field of medicine, especially on abortion. The main issue to be discussed in this research is about the methodology of ijtihad (legal reasoning) of the Muhammadiyyah’s tarjih and tajdid institution Nahdhatul Ulama’s (Muslim Scholar Renaissance) bahstul masaail regarding the legal status of abortion. According to Muhammadiyyah’s tarjih and tajdid institution, abortion is absolutely forbidden. Meanwhile, according to Nahdhatul Ulama’s bahstul masaail institution, abortion is also forbidden (unlawful) even though it is resulted from a rape victim. Both of the two institutions view that abortion to the age of four months of pregnancy, namely after the blowing of the spirit of the fetus, is unlawful, except for one thing that required for the safety of the mother. It is because the mother's life is more important than a fetus because it has been early coming into the world. In addition, the protection of soul is an obligatory. The stronger opinion is that if abortion is done after 40 (forty) days, or 42 (forty two) days of gestational age at the beginning of the formation of the fetus, it is unlawful. While abortion whose age has not reached 40 days, then it is permissible and does nothing.Abstrak: Persoalan mengenai tekhnologi kontemporer berimbas pada respon Hukum Islam terhadap status hukumnya. Penelitian ini juga sebagai respon terhadap persoalan perkembangan tekhnologi di bidang kedokteran, terutama mengenai aborsi. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas adalah tentang metode ijtihad yang dipakai majelis tarjih dan tajdid muhammadiyah dan lembaga bahstul masail Nahdlatul Ulama mengenai hukum aborsi. Berdasarkan metode ijtihad yang dilakukan Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah, maka aborsi hukumnya haram secara mutlak. Sedangkan menurut metode ijtihad Lembaga Bahtsul Masail Nahdlatul Ulama, aborsi hukumnya haram akibat hasil korban pemerkosaan. Untuk masalah hukum aborsi jika umur kehamilannya sudah 4 (empat) bulan yaitu setelah peniupan roh pada janin maka Nahdhatul ‘ulama dan Muhammadiyah menetapkan hukum yaitu haram, kecuali karena sesuatu hal yang mengharuskannya demi keselamatan ibu, sebab nyawa ibu lebih utama dari pada janin karena telah lebih awal lahir kedunia dan melindungi jiwa itu wajib hukumnya. pendapat yang raj’ih (kuat) adalah jika aborsi dilakukan setelah 40 (empat puluh) hari, atau 42 (empat puluh dua) hari dari usia kehamilan pada saat permulaan pembentukan janin, maka hukumnya haram. Sedangkan pengguguran kandungan yang usianya belum mencapai 40 hari, maka hukumnya boleh (ja’iz) dan tidak apa-apa.

Copyrights © 2015

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Religion Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Al-Hukama serves academic discussions of any Indonesian Islamic family law issues from various perspectives, such as gender, history, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, psychology, philosophy, human rights, disability and minorities, digital discourse, and others. It intends to contribute to the ...