Indonesian Journal of Cancer
Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Jan - Mar 2015

Hubungan antara Genotyping DNA Human Pappillomavirus (HPV) dengan Respons Terapi Radiasi pada Adenokarsinoma Serviks

HARDJOLUKITO, WIDYORINI LESTARI ( SMF Onkologi-Ginekologi RS. Kanker "Dharmais" Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Mar 2015


ABSTRACTThe object of this study to know the type of DNA Human Papilloma Virus genotyping in adenocarcinoma cervical cancer,espescially in Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital and Cancer Centre Dharmais Hospital. The importance of humanpapilloma virus (HPV) infection in the outcome of cervical cancer after radiotherapy remains unknown. Our studyexplored whether the HPV status of tumors and also persistence of the HPV infection is related with the outcome ofradiotherapy in patients with cervical cancer.The biopsy cervix samples taken from 12 patients with Adenocarcinoma cervical cancer (Stage IIB-IIIB) that met in theinclusion criteria. The HPV genotyping examination was conducted twice, before and 3 month after radiation therapy. Thesubjects treated by radiation therapy without sensitizer according to standard procedures. After underwent completeradiation, response of radiation therapy was conducted by clinical assessment and repeated HPV genotyping test.Result: a total of 12 patients had been collected in this study. From this sample, there were found HPV-positive tumors in91,7% (11 cases ) of patients, with the details of a single infection of 75% and 16,7% multiple infections. Based on the typeof HPV type 18 was obtained (66,7%), type 45: 8,3%. Persistent infection with HPV after radiation encountered by 41,7%.Complete clinical responsse observed in the single infection group number of 66,7%, while in the group of multipleinfections by 50% (p = 1,000). While HPV infection settled with a complete clinical responsse by 16,7% (p = 0,015).There weren’t clinically relationships between clinical complete responsse with single or multiple HPV infection (p =1,000). There were clinically relationship between persistent HPV infection with complete clinical responsse (p = 0,015).Keyword: cervical cancer, genotyping HPV DNA, persistent infection, clinical responsseABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis genotipe DNA HPV pada kasus adenokarsinoma serviks , terutama diRSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Kanker “Dharmais”. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubunganantara genotipe DNA HPV dengan respons klinis radiasi serta mengetahui terjadinya infeksi HPV menetap responsklinis terapi radiasi.Dua belas penderita kanker serviks stadium IIB-IIIB dengan hasil histopatologi adenokarsinoma serviks sesuai dengankriteria inklusi dilakukan pemeriksaan genotipe HPV DNA yang berasal dari biopsi serviks. Sampel penelitian diberikantata laksana dengan terapi radiasi tanpa sensitizer sesuai prosedur standar. Tiga bulan setelah dinyatakan selesairadiasi, dilakukan penilaian respons klinis radiasi dan pemeriksaan genotipe DNA HPV ulang.Dari 12 sampel penelitian, didapatkan infeksi HPV sebelum radiasi 11 sampel (91,7%) dengan perincian infeksi tunggal75% dan infeksi multipel 16,7%. Berdasarkan tipe HPV, diperoleh infeksi tunggal tipe 18 (66,7%) dan tipe 45 (8,3%).Infeksi menetap HPV setelah radiasi, baik pada infeksi tunggal maupun multipel sebesar 41,7%. Respons klinis komplitdijumpai pada kelompok infeksi tunggal sejumlah 66,7%; sedangkan pada kelompok infeksi multipel sebesar 50%(p=1,000) dan infeksi HPV menetap dengan respons klinis komplit sebesar 20,0% (p=0,015). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tipe HPV DNA terbanyak dijumpai pada penderita adenokarsinoma serviks adalah tipe 18, yaitu 83,4%. Infeksi HPV menetap setelah radiasi sebanyak 41,7%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan respons klinis antara infeksi tunggal dan infeksi multipel HPV, tetapi tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan (p=1,000). Infeksi menetap HPV berhubungan secara klinis dengan respons klinis terapi radiasi (p=0,015).Kata Kunci: kanker serviks, adenokarsinoma, tipe DNA HPV, infeksi HPV menetap, respons terapi.

Copyrights © 2015

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The Indonesian Journal of Cancer (official journal of the Dharmais Cancer Center Hospital) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, open access journal. Submissions are reviewed under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The journal publishes original research ...