Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Media Sosial Terintegrasi dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Brand: Studi Komparasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Oleh High dan Low Involvement Decision Brand

Putri, Vega Karina Andira (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Oct 2015


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan social media serta bentuk integrasi social media yang tepat bagi brand dengan proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen melalui high maupun low involvement dalam komunikasi pemasaran brand. Dari hasil studi komparasi ditemukan perbedaan dalam pemanfaatan social media dan bentuk integrasi media sosial antara high dengan low involvement decision brand. Perbedaan dapat dilihat dari proporsi penggunaan media digital, akun media sosial yang dikelola brand, konten tiap akun media sosial, kerjasama dengan buzzer, dan hubungan antar social media tools. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa brand yang sukses melakukan komunikasi pemasaran melalui social media adalah brand yang mengelola komunitas online dengan baik. This research aims to understand social media utilization and the forms of appropriate social media integration for brands by means of consumer decision making process through high and low involvement in the brand marketing communication. Comparative studies find differences in the use of social media and the forms of social media integration between high and low involvement decision brand. The distinctions can be observed from the proportion of digital media use, social media accounts administered by brand owners, contents of each social media account, partnership with buzzers, and social media tools inter-relationship. Besides, it is discovered that a successful brand, which carries out marketing communication through social media, is the one whose online community is well-managed.

Copyrights © 2015

Journal Info





Humanities Computer Science & IT Environmental Science Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for ...