Jurnal Metrum
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Metrum


Bahagia (Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Maghfira Faraidiany (Univeritas Syiah Kuala)
Muliawati (Univeritas Syiah Kuala)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Jun 2024


Implementation Leadership Relations Head Against Employee Performance At the Head Office of Banda Aceh's Ulee Kareng done through coaching for employees can be aware of and able to carry out the tasks assigned full responsibility so as to embody themselves as officers who are customer orientet.This research was conducted based on the background of the problems, 1) How Relationships leadership Head of the performance of employees at Head Office Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh, 2) the factors supporting and hindering the relationship of leadership camat to employee performance at the district office Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh. The District Government is an integral part in governance as the Government Regulation number 19 of 2008 on which the District Administration coordinate Gampong Government in the District of Banda Aceh's Ulee Kareng..In this research, using qualitative methods which includes data collected using the technique of interview, observation directly (Participation Passive) and analysis of documentation and data sources in the primary and secondary where the presentation of the data and conclusions performed interactively while the selection of informants done intentionally (purposive Samplig) and Based on the research results can be explained that the relationship leaddership Head Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh Against Employee performance at Head Office Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh is already running but there are still many obstacles that make service Ulee Kareng public in the district of Banda Aceh still has deficiencies in the use of  performance Human Resources (HR) in service are essential. Thus the study was conducted based on the focus of the research results, among others, leadership camat districts Ulee Kareng has been to provide guidance to the employee in improving performance, through persuasive approach for employees, provide direction and guidance to be able to perform administrative tasks and operational and able to provide services to the community continue and update data presentation.

Copyrights © 2024

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Jurnal Metrum merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh PT Metrum Karya Mandiri. Jurnal ini memuat artikel bidang humaniora, linguistik, sastra, agama, hukum, dan pendidikan. Terbit perdana pada Desember 2023 dengan frekuensi 2 kali dan setahun dengan periode penerbitan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ...