Biodik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023

Analisis dan Rekonstruksi Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium Mitosis Akar Bawang Merah (Allium cepa) melalui Model ANCOR : (Analysis and Reconstruction of Laboratory Activity Design: Mitotic of Allium cepa using ANCOR model)

Zuliande Zidan (Indonesia University of Education)
Bambang Supriatno Bambang Supriatno (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Sep 2023


The purpose of this study was to analyze Biology LAD: Mitotic in shallot roots (Allium cepa) and reconstruct LAD with higher quality based on weakness and recommendations from analysis results. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research with ANCOR model in 10 selected LAD. Research results show that LAD is generally poor-qualified and specifically unable to produce expected objects and phenomena. A designed LAD should describe the activity, guide students in finding objects and phenomena in a structured way, and include a record of the activity. Prerequiste skills of students such as using a microscope need to be emphasized as well as readiness of tools and material in practicum. The restructuring of the DKL was prepared based on the results of analysis from various aspects aimed at improving student learning outcomes. Key words: Laboratory Activity Design, Practical Work, Mitotic, Allium cepa   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis DKL mitosis akar bawang merah (Allium cepa) dan mengonstruksi DKL yang lebih berkualitas berdasarkan kelemahan dan rekomendasi. Metode penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model ANCOR pada 10 DKL terpilih yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umumnya DKL belum berkualitas terutama tidak dapat memunculkan objek atau fenomena yang diharapkan. DKL yang disusun perlu menggambarkan kegiatan, secara terstruktur membimbing siswa menemukan objek atau fenomena serta memuat kegiatan pencatatan. Keterampilan prasyarat siswa dalam menggunakan mikroskop dan kesiapan alat bahan sebelum praktikum perlu lebih ditekankan. DKL rekonstruksi disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis berbagai aspek dengan harapan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang lebih baik.  Kata kunci: Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium, Praktikum, Mitosis Akar Bawang

Copyrights © 2023

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Education Environmental Science Social Sciences


Biodik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi receiving and publishing article in the form of research (scientific article) in the field of biology education and utilization of biological research in learning. Moreover, this journal bridges the gap between research and practice, providing information, ...