Vol 1 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Rumah Sakit

Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Menyusui Tentang MP ASI Dengan Pemberian MP ASI Pada Bayi 0-6 Bulan di Puskesmas Kebun Handil Jambi

Rosdawati Rosdawati (Prodi Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Stikes Garuda Putih Jambi)
Dormina Dormina (Program Studi Keperawatan Stikes Garuda Putih)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Feb 2024


Background: This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers about MP ASI and the provision of MP ASI to babies 0-6 months at the Kebun Handil Community Health Center which was carried out from May-June 2023.Method: Descriptive analytical research type with a cross-sectional approach. The population and sample are mothers who have toddlers aged 6-24 months in the working area of the Kebun Handil Community Health Center, taken using accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire, data was analyzed univariately and bivariately with the Spearman Rank (Rho) percentage test.Results: Characteristics of mothers under five in the Kebun Handil Community Health Center working area in 2023, most of them are 20-35 years old (78.4%), have secondary education (47.1%), are housewives (66.7%), and the majority have children. between 1-2 years (52.9%). The knowledge of mothers about MP-ASI for toddlers aged 6-24 months is mostly high, namely 54.9% or 28 mothers and the behavior of giving MP-ASI to toddlers. Most of the mothers who visit the Kebun Handil Health Center mostly behave well, amounting to 49. 0% or 25 people provide MP-ASI. The results of the Spearman rank test show that the X2-calculation value is 0.480 and p-value = 0.000. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of maternal knowledge about MP-ASI and the behavior of giving MP-ASI to toddlers aged 6-24 months at the Kebun Handil Health Center, Jambi in 2023 Keywords: Level of Knowledge, MP-ASI, Behavior, Community Health Center

Copyrights © 2024

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Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit (ARUMAS) adalah jurnal nasional memiliki fokus di bidang informatika kesehatan, administrasi layanan dan manajemen rumah sakit dan pelayanan kesehatan primer. Adapun artikel atau naskah ilmiah yang dimuat dalam Jurnal ARUMAS mencakup ranah penelitian, studi kasus, ...