Vol 10, No 2 (2011): NaLARs Volume 10 Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Permadi, Permadi ( Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Jul 2011


ABSTRAK. Limbah cair adalah hasil buangan berupa cairan yang perlu diolah terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang. Menteri kesehatan RI telah mengatur melalui keputusan menteri kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor : 1204/MENKES/SK/X/2004, Tentang : Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Rumah Sakit. Sebagian besar Rumah Sakit masih membuang air limbah langsung ke sistem drainase atau saluran air kota. Dalam beberapa kasus air limbah rumah sakit juga langsung dibuang ke sistem irigasi yang biasa digunakan untuk air minum. Padahal air limbah rumah sakit banyak mengandung polutan dari bahan-bahan yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit dan berbahaya bagi manusia dan lingkungan.Untuk itulah perlu diadakan pengolahan limbah cair rumah sakit dengan menggunakan teknologi pengolahan limbah cair yang efektif dan efisien serta ekonomis. Kata kunci : Limbah cair rumah sakit, karakteristik air limbah cair, teknologi pengolahan limbah cair. ABSTRACT. Liquid waste is a liquid waste product that needs to be treated before disposed. The Health Minister of RI has established a decision of the health ministers of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 1204/ MENKES/ SK/ X/ 2004, about: Requirements of Environmental Health Hospital. Most hospitals have not concerned about this issues. They do not have waste management thus all the liquid waste have been disposed through water drainage system or directly into city waterways. In some cases the liquid waste from hospital is directly discharged into the irrigation system which will be used for drinking water. It is too dangerous to consume this drinking water, because it has been regarded that liquid waste from hospital contains pollutants from organic materials. Thus, it is necessary to deliver liquid waste management for hospital by using technology which are effective, efficient and economical. Keywords : hospital’s liquid waste, characteristic of liquid waste, technology of liquid waste treatment

Copyrights © 2011

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Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture


NALARs is an architecture journal which presents articles based on architectural research in micro, mezo and macro. Published articles cover all subjects as follow: architectural behaviour, space and place, traditional architecture, digital architecture, urban planning and urban design, building ...