Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Vol 16 No 2 (2017): (May - Agustus) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro


Arya Surya Darma (Universitas udayana)
I Gede Dyana Arjana (Universitas Udayana)
A.A Gede Maharta Pemayun (Universitas Udayana)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Aug 2017


Along with the development of ever-increasing burden on the GI Gianyar then the transformer unit 2 with a capacity of 30 MVA will be uprating with a capacity of 60 MVA transformer. To maintain the continuity and reliability of the flow of electrical power to the consumer , NGR (Neutral Grounding Resistance) and relay SBEF is used as the safety equipment of the short circuit 1 phase to ground was not in to the neutral point of the transformer. Uprating of transformers that have been done changes on 1 phase fault current to ground when using a direct earthing systems with a value to become 1838.21 A. While the value of the short-circuit current 1 phase to ground after pairing NGR 40 Ohm value is fixed at 288.675 A, so that the current setting and time relay SBEF fixed at 90 A and 7.067 seconds. The analysis result from the effect of installation NGR and rele SBEF on the transformer 60 MVA against short circuit 1 phase to ground has the ability good protection for the value of the fault current is able to be reduced from 1838,21 A into 288.675 A after pairing NGR 40 Ohm and time is needed SBEF to handle distractions 7.067 seconds. Intisari- Seiring dengan perkembangan beban yang terus meningkat di GI Gianyar maka transformator unit 2 berkapasitas 30 MVA akan di lakukan uprating (penggantian) dengan transformator berkapasitas 60 MVA. Untuk menjaga kontinyuitas dan keandalan aliran daya listrik sampai ke konsumen (beban), NGR (Neutral Grounding Resistance) dan rele SBEF dipergunakan sebagai peralatan pengaman dari gangguan hubung singkat phasa tanah agar arus gangguan 1 phasa ke tanah tidak sampai mengalir ke titik netral transformator. Dari uprating transformator yang sudah di lakukan terjadi perubahan pada arus gangguan 1 phasa ke tanah jika menggunakan sistem pentanahan langsung (solid grounding) menjadi 1838,21 A. Sedangkan nilai dari arus hubung singkat 1 phasa ke tanah setelah dipasangkan NGR 40 Ohm nilainya tetap sebesar 288,675 A, sehingga setting arus dan waktu rele SBEF tetap sebesar 90 A dan 7,067 detik. Hasil analisis pengaruh pemasangan NGR dan rele SBEF pada transformator 60 MVA terhadap gangguan hubung singkat 1 phasa ke tanah menghasilkan kemampuan proteksi yang lebih baik karena nilai arus gangguan yang mampu di kurangi dari 1838,21 A menjadi 288,675 A setelah dipasangkan NGR 40 Ohm dan waktu yang di butuhkan SBEF untuk menangani gangguan 7,067 detik.

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy Engineering


Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro (MITE) is peer review journal, published twice a year by the Study Program of Magister Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Udayana. This journal discusses the scientific works containing results of research in the field of electrical, include ...