Jurnal Empirika
Vol 1, No 2 (2016)

Ketersediaan dan Pemanfaatan Ruang Sosial di SDN 179 Kecamatan Kemuning Kota Palembang

Depy Amelia (Unknown)
Ridhah Taqwa (Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sriwijaya)
Diana Dewi Sartika (Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sriwijaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Dec 2016


Issues raised is how the availability and utilization of school facilities as an arena of social space and the types of activities that can form a social space. This study was a descriptive qualitative study. The results showed that school facilities are available at SDN 179 include adequate and can support the activities of both students and teachers at school. Availability of school facilities as an arena of social space that includes a field school, 'canteen honest', and the mosque which became the arena of social space for students to interact, play and set up in cooperation with the other students. In addition to school facilities, types of activities in this school can also shape the social space. This school has two types of activities, namely academic activities such as learning and courses, as well as extracurricular activities that include Scouts, Sports, Drum Band and Karate. However, activities that can form a social space is Scout activities and sports in which this activity is the most widely followed by students. In the lead this activity, students can mingle and interact directly with other students and teachers. Students make this activity as a social space as a place to establish interaction, cooperation and familiarity with other students.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Jurnal Empirika is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal which is published twice a year (May and November) by the Masters of Sociology Study Program at FISIP Sriwijaya University. The Jurnal Empirika accepts manuscripts on various issues in the study of sociology, social psychology, ...