Edu Geography
Vol 3 No 1 (2014)


Lestari, Sri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Nov 2014


Pengembangan bahan ajar Geografi bergaya novel berbasis otak kanan merupakan pengembangan bahan ajar Geografi yang berbentuk novel, dan ditujukan untuk siswa berotak kanan. Pengembangan ini menghasilkan sebuah produk novel yang berjudul “Berburu Pelangi” Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui tingkat kelayakan produk yang dihasilkan melalui metode R and D dengan model 4-D. Teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data untuk penelitian yaitu: dokumentasi, angket dan metode. Variabel penelitian ini adalah uji kelayakan bahan ajar tim ahli, hasil belajar kognitif siswa dan respon positif siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan bahan ajar telah mengalami proses tahapan mulai dari define, design dan develop. Uji kelayakan tim ahli dan respon positif siswa menyatakan sangat layak dan hasil belajar siswa memuaskan. Hal tersebut berarti penggunaan pendekatan otak kanan untuk membuat bahan ajar Geografi bergaya novel tepat. Geografi dalam sudut pandang otak kanan adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bumi secara utuh, dalam sudut pandang kelingkungan, keruangan dan kewilayahan, dimana pemikiran sintesa, integrasi dan imajinasi menjadi satu kesatuan dalam kecerdasan spasial yang dibutuhkan untuk memahaminya. Novel as a Geography teaching material which I use in my reseacrh is one of the developements of teaching material in order to maximize the use of students’ right brain. The final product of this study is a novel entitled “Berburu Pelangi. The objective of this study is to find out the appropriateness of the final product. The reseacher use R and D methode with 4-D model. The reseacher use the purposive sampling. The methodology in collecting data which used were: collected, questionere and conducted the test. The variables of the study were appropriateness testing from the expert, the students cognitive achievement, and the positive feedback from the students. The study had fit with the steps of defining,designing, and developing. base on the proper test from the expert and students’ positive respond prove that the result is good the learning objective was achieved. It proved that the use of right brain approach in arranging novel as learning media was affective. Geography is a knowledge that learn about earth entirely especially the environment and the state in whichneeds the combination between sintesa and imagination inorder to understand the material the ability is called spatial quotient.

Copyrights © 2014

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Earth & Planetary Sciences Education


Edu Geography [p-ISSN 2252-6684|e-ISSN 2549-0346|DOI 10.15294.edugeo] publishes original research and conceptual analysis of geography education. Edu Geography provides a forum for educators and scholars to present innovative teaching strategies and essential content for elementary and secondary ...