Agrin : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian
Vol 18, No 1 (2014): Agrin


Permadi, Karsidi (Unknown)
Sunandar, Bambang (Unknown)
Sunandar, Nandang (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Jan 2015


Pada saat ini  luas lahan produktif sawah irigasi teknis semakin berkurang, padahal sawah irigasi teknis memberikan sumbangan terbesar dalam penyediaan produksi beras nasional. Perkembangan penduduk terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2020 jumlah penduduk Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai 280 juta jiwa. Kebutuhan pangan terutama  beras tidak dapat mengimbangi laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Dalam kecukupan beras ini diperlukan peningkatan produksi padi sawah irigasi teknis yang masih tersedia.  Salah satunya  dengan inovasi teknologi pemupukan yang efesien, efektif, dan ramah lingkungan tidak mencemari lingkungan.  Penggunaan pupuk anorganik disertai dengan penambahan jerami padi secara insitu  agar diperoleh hasil padi lebih tinggi dan produktivitas lahan meningkat. Pengkajian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasi yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan, komponen hasil dan hasil padi varietas Inpari 18. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), tiga perlakuan dengan 5 ulangan. Susunan perlakuan adalah a). Pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasi hasil analisis PUTS (perangkat uji tanah sawah) + jerami padi insitu, b). Pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasi PT Pupuk Kujang + jerami padi insitu, dan c). Pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasai Katam (kalender tanam) + jerami padi insitu. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan berpengaruh nyata terhadap peubah pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman saat panen, jumlah gabah isi/malai, jumlah gabah hampa/malai, bobot 10 malai gabah isi dan hasil gabah kering panen. Pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasi hasil PUTS + jerami padi insitu mendapatkan hasil gabah padi tertinggi sebesar 7,92 t ha-1 GKP dengan kenaikkan hasil gabah mencapai 1,12 t ha-1 GKP. Hasil gabah terendah dicapai oleh pemupukan berdasarkan rekomendasi Katam + jerami padi insitu  sebesar 6,80 t ha-1 GKP. Kata kunci: Varietas Inpari 18, pupuk NPK Kujang, jerami padi insitu ABSTRACTTRecentyhe productive land area of technical irrigation rice field became decreased, whereas technical irrigation field rice contributes the most provision of national rice production. The development of the population continues to increase every year. In 2020 the population of Indonesia is estimated to reach 280 million people. The needs of food, especially rice cannot keep pace with population growth. Thus, it is necessary to increase the production of rice in available technically irrigated rice field. It could be done one of with the innovation technology of efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly fertilization. The use of inorganic fertilizers with rice straw in situ added in order to obtain higher rice yields and to increase the land productivity. The assessment aimed to determine fertilization based on recommendations which could improve the growth, yield and yield components of Inpari 18 rice. The design used was randomized block design (RBD), three treatments with five replications. The compositions of the treatment were a). Fertilization based on the results of the PUTS (paddy soil testing device) analysis + rice straw in situ, b). Fertilization based on PT Pupuk Kujang recommendation + rice straw in situ, and c). Fertilization by Katam (planting calendar) recommendation + rice straw in situ. The study showed that fertilization significantly affected the height plant growth variables at maturity, number of filled grain / panicle, number of empty grains / panicle, weight of 10 filled grain panicle and dry grain yield harvest. Fertilization based on the PUTS results of + rice straw  in situ achieved the highest rice grain yield of 7.92 t ha-1 GKP with increasing grain yield reached 1.12 t ha-1 GKP. Lowest grain yield achieved by fertilizing based on Katam + rice straw in situ of 6.80 t ha-1 GKP. Key words: Inpari 18 Varieties, Kujang NPK fertilizer, rice straw in situ

Copyrights © 2014

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Agrin provides facilities for publishing articles or quality papers in the form of research results in various aspects of agriculture and agricultural commodities widely including ; agronomy, agroecology, plant breeding, horticulture, soil science, plant protection, agribusiness, agroforestry, food ...