Vol 16, No 2 (2018)


Mustaqim, Mujahidil (Unknown)
Sere, Sherly (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Aug 2018


AbstrakArtikel ini mengulas bahwa sebenarnya aspek yang paling fundamental dan krusial dalampendidikan adalah mutu guru. Maka upaya peningkatan mutu guru harus menjadi prioritas utama di atas kepentingan yang lainnya. Persepsi yang lazim beredar bahwa kurikulum adalah segala-galanya namun guru sebagai penerjemah substansi kurikulum tidak mendapat gubris yang berarti. Alhasil, kurikulum yang didesain sedemikian rupa ditaksir tak mampu sepenuhnya menjalankan fungsinya. Salah kaprah yang kemudian berbuntut pada salah garap. Artikel ini didesripsikan menggunakan studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Ada tiga hal pokok yang dikaji yaitu Pertama, data yang menerangkan tentang ketercapaian program profesionalisme guru diantaranya kualifikasi akademik, sertifikasi guru, program profesionalisme guru dan uji kompetensi guru terbilang rendah yang kemudian berpotensi terhadap efektifitas implementasi kurikulum di lapangan. Kedua, beberapa persoalan yang timbul akibat kadar pencapaian profesionalisasi guru yang minim adalah penerapan tujuan, isi, metode dan evaluasi kurikulum tak berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Ketiga, alur pembenahan pendidikan hendaknya dimulai dari peningkatan mutu guru. Selain itu, pada saat perumusan kurikulum hendaknya pada waktu yang bersamaan juga dirumuskan kompetensi guru apa saja yang disyaratkan dalam desain kurikulum. Kemudian disusun pedoman bagi guru berupa langkah-langkah yang dapat dilalui guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum. Alhasil, peserta didik dapat mereguh esensi kurikulum yang telah dirancang tersebut. AbstractThis article reviews that in fact the most fundamental and crucial aspect of education is the quality of teachers. So efforts to improve teacher quality must be a top priority over the interests of others. The common perception circulating that the curriculum is everything but the teacher as the translator of the curriculum substance does not get a meaningful governor. As a result, a curriculum that is designed in such a way is estimated not to be able to fully carry out its functions. Misguided, which then leads to wrong work. This article is described using literature studies and documentation. There are three main things that are studied, namely, First, the data that explains the achievement of the teacher professionalism program that encompasses academic qualifications, teacher certification, teacher professionalism programs and teacher competency tests are fairly low which then has the potential for the effectiveness of curriculum implementation in the field. Secondly, some problems that arise due to the lack of teacher professionalism is the implementation of the objectives, content, methods and evaluation of the curriculum not as expected. Third, the flow of education improvement should start from improving teacher quality. In addition, in the formulation of the curriculum should be at the same time formulated what teacher competencies required in the curriculum design. Then, the guidelines are prepared for teachers in the form of steps that can be passed by the teacher in implementing the curriculum. As a result, not ignorant of efforts to improve the quality of teachers so that students can touch the essence of the curriculum that has been designed.

Copyrights © 2018

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PEDAGOGIA (e-ISSN 2579-7700, p.ISSN 1693-5276 is a peer-reviewed (double blind review) journal published by Faculty of Education, Indonesia Univerity of Education. The goal of this journal is to facilitate scholars, researchers, and teachers for publishing the original research articles or review ...