Jurnal Sains Natural
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): Sains Natural


I. G. A. Manik Widhyastini (Program Studi Biologi FMIPA,Universitas Nusa Bangsa Jl. KH Soleh Iskandar KM 4 Cimanggu Tanah Sareal, Bogor 16166)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Dec 2017


The Effect of Drying on The Outer and Inner Skin of Mangosteen (Gracinia mangostana, L.) for the Content of Proximate Analysis, Alkaloid and Flavanoid          Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana,L.), is considered to be one of the leading exports commodity in which the peel has the major part (60,82% from the total weight of the fruit), the flesh of the fruit is the second (35,51), the rest are the leaf sheaths (3,67). The peel of the mangosteen is rich in antioxidant which is useful for human health and this potential hasn’t been used widely. The use of the peel of mangosteen need to be furtherly reviewed.The preliminary research aimed to figure out the optimum temperature for drying the outer and the inner skin of the mangosteen as a test to obtain the content of proximate analysis, alkaloid and flavanoid. The results of the proximate test was obtained that the water content of the outer skin with temperature of 70oC ;80oC; 90oC ;100oC, was between 7% to 10% while the water content for the inner skin was between 11% to 12%, dry mass of 1% to 3%, N content between 0,1% until 0,5%, carbohydrate content between 1% until 2,5%. The results of the alkaloid test showed that all of the experiment treatments revealed positive results as well as the flavonoid test. The highest content of alkaloid and flavonoid was obtained at a temperature of  80oC to dry the outer skin of the mangosteen.Key words: proximate analysis, antioxidant ,alkaloid and flavonoid  ABSTRAK        Manggis (Garcinia mangostana,L.), merupakan salah satu primadona ekspor yang menjadi andalan Indonesia Komponen terbesar dari buah manggis adalah kulit buah (60,82% dari berat buah utuh),daging buah merupakan komponen yang kedua (35,51% ), sisanya adalah komponen daun kelopak (3,67 % ). Kulit buah manggis, kaya akan senyawa antioksidan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia dan potensi ini belum dimanfaatkan secara luas.Pemanfaatan  kulit buah manggis perlu dikaji lebih lanjut.Penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui suhu pengeringan optimal  padakulit bagian luar dan kulit bagian dalam manggis terhadap kandunganproksimat, alkaloid dan flavonoid. Hasil uji proksimat diperoleh  bahwa kadar air untuk kulit bagian luar masing-masing dengan suhu pengeringan 70oC ;80oC; 90oC ;100oC  adalah berkisar dari 7 % sampai 10 % sedangkan kadar air pada kulit bagian dalam adalah berkisar dari 11 % sampai 12 %, kadar abu 1% sampai 3 %, kadar N berkisar antara 0,1 % sampai 0,5 %, kadar Karbohidrat berkisar antara 1% sampai 2,5 %. Hasil uji alkaloid menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan menunjukkan hasil positif demikian juga dengan hasil uji flavonoid. Kandungan alkaloid dan flavonoid terbanyak diperoleh pada pengeringan 80oC untuk kulit bagian luar dari manggis.Kata kunci: proksimat, antioksidan, alkaloid dan flavonoid

Copyrights © 2013

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Chemistry


Jurnal Sains Natural is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, as well as short communication with the objectives to explore the knowledge about natural sciences. This journal incorporates not only all branches of chemistry and biology, but ...