KABILAH : Journal of Social Community
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): (Desember)

Problematika Pendidikan Islam; Antara Determinisme Historis dan Realisme Praktis

Masykurotus Syarifah (STAI Nazhatut Thullab Sampang)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Mar 2018


Abstrak: Pendidikan Islam sampai sekarang dapat dikatakan masih berada dalam posisi problematik antara 'determinisme historis' dan 'realisme praktis'. Di satu sisi, pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya keluar dari cita-cita kemuliaan masa lalu hegemoni tentang pemikiran dan peradaban Islam; Sementara di sisi lain, juga 'dipaksa' menerima tuntutan masa kini, terutama yang datang dari Barat, dengan orientasi yang sangat praktis. Perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, dapat disimpulkan bahwa basis yang digunakan adalah peradaban pembebasan pemberdayaan. Dasar dari reformasi ini adalah pendidikan dengan konsep keagamaan, demokrasi, toleransi, berbasis hukum, egaliter, menjunjung tinggi martabat manusia, berbasis budaya, berbasis global, anti kekerasan, dan berbasis antikorupsi. Sistem pendidikan Islam di masa kini dan masa yang akan datang perlu dipikirkan dan dibicarakan sebab-sebab permasalahannya, antara lain: Pertama, bahwa penyelenggaraan pendidikan Islam secara formal/ informal belum sesuai dengan pengertian pendidikan Islam itu sendiri; Kedua, bahwa sistem dan metode itu masih dalam lingkaran pendakalan (proses de islamisasi). Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Islam, historis, Realisme Praktis Abstract: Islamic education until now may be said to still be in a problematic position between 'historical determinism' and 'practical realism'. On the one hand Islamic education has not been entirely out of the ideals of the hegomonic past glories of Islamic thought and civilization; while on the other hand, it is also 'forced' to accept the demands of the present, especially those coming from the West, with a very practical orientation. 2) The renewal of Islamic education in Indonesia, it can be concluded that the basis used is empowerment-liberating civilization. The basis of this reform is education with religious foundations, democracy, tolerance building, law-based, egalitarian stance, uphold human dignity, cultural-based diversity, global-based, anti-violence, and anti-corruption-based. 3) Islamic education system in the present and the future should be considered and discussed the causes of the problem, among others: First, that the implementation of Islamic education in a formal / informal not in accordance with the understanding of Islamic education itself; Second, that the systems and methods are still in the circle of delinquency (de Islamization process). Keywords: Education, Islam, historical, realism Practical

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Education Social Sciences Other


KABILAH (Journal of Social Community) Print-ISSN: 2502-9649 and Online-ISSN: 2503-3603, this journal is published by Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Islamic College Nazhatut Thullab Sampang Madura. Journal published twice a year, every June and December. This journal contains ...