Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif
Vol 6, No 2 (2018)

Perbandingan Laringoskopi Indirek Kaca Laring dengan Laringoskopi Indirek Video Smartphone dalam Menilai Visualisasi Laring dan Kenyamanan Pasien

Sulistiono, Paulus (Unknown)
Prihartono, M. Andy (Unknown)
Yadi, Dedi Fitri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Aug 2018


Salah satu pemeriksaan preoperatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor kesulitan intubasi adalah laringoskopi indirek.  Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai visualisasi laring dan kenyamanan pasien antara laringoskopi indirek kaca laring dan laringoskopi indirek video smartphone. Penelitian menggunakan  metode prospective randomized parallel trial, dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung pada bulan November–Desember 2017. Pasien dibagi menjadi kelompok laringoskopi indirek kaca laring (kelompok LIKL, n=22) dan kelompok laringoskopi indirek video smartphone (kelompok LIVS, n=22). Uji statistik menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan visualisasi laring lebih jelas pada kelompok LIVS (1,73 SD±0,77) dibanding dengan kelompok LIKL (2,50 SD±0,86) dengan perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05). Kenyamanan yang lebih baik pada kelompok LIVS (skala di atas 5) dibanding dengan kelompok LIKL (skala di atas 5) dengan perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah visualisasi laring dan kenyamanan pasien pada laringoskopi indirek dengan video smartphone lebih baik bila dibanding dengan laringoskopi indirek kaca laring.Kata kunci: Kaca laring, kesulitan intubasi, laringoskopi indirek, video smartphone  Comparison between Indirect Laryngoscopy Laryngeal Mirror and Indirect Laryngoscopy Smartphone Video in Evaluating Laryngeal Visualization and Patient ComfortIndirect laryngoscopy is an examination modality which can be performed during pre-operative phase as a predictor of difficult intubation. The purpose of this study was to compare indirect laryngoscopy using laryngeal mirror and indirect laryngoscopy using smartphone video in evaluating laryngeal visualization and providing convenience to patients during the examination procedure. This prospective randomized parallel trial was conducted at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from November to December 2017. Patients were assigned to two study groups: those who underwent indirect laryngoscopy using laryngeal mirror (LIKL group, n=22) and those who underwent indirect laryngoscopy using smartphone video (LIVS group, n=22). Mann-Whitney test was utilized as the statistical test method. Result of this study showed that laryngeal visualization was significantly superior in LIVS group compared to LIKL group (1.73 SD±0.77 vs 2.50 SD±0.86, respectively, p value<0.05). Patient comfort was significantly superior in LIVS group compared to LIKL group (comfort score above 5 vs comfort score above 5, respectively, p value <0.05). Therefore, it is concluded that laryngeal visualization using indirect langryngoscopy with smartphone video is more comfortable than the one that uses direct laryngoscopy with laryngeal mirror.Key words: Difficult intubation, indirect laryngoscopy, laryngeal mirror, smartphone video

Copyrights © 2018

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Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (JAP)/Perioperative Anesthesia Journal is to publish peer-reviewed original articles in clinical research relevant to anesthesia, critical care, case report, and others. This journal is published every 4 months with 9 articles (April, August, and December) by Department ...