Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Vol 10, No 2 (2018): PATANJALA Vol. 10 No. 2, JUNE 2018

Perjuangan M.A.Sentot dalam Perang Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan di Indramayu (1945-1949)

Nina Herlina Lubis (UNPAD)
Kunto Sofianto (UNPAD)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Sep 2018


Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk perjuangan pasukan setan Muhammad Asmat Sentot di daerah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Perlu ditekankan bahwa proses diplomasi tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan aktivitas militer. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah mengenai bagaimana biografi Sentot sebagai pemimpin perjuangan perang fisik di Indramayu (1945-1949)? Bagaimana perjuangan pasukan setan merah yang dipimpin oleh Sentot dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di daerah Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biografi Sentot dan untuk memahami nilai-nilai heroik perjuangan Muhammad As’ad Sentot melawan Agresi Militer Belanda dalam mempertahankan wilayah Indramayu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, historiografi). Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kausalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sentot  merupakan tokoh sentral dalam peristiwa perang fisik untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan di wilayah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Ia mempunyai peranan penting untuk membangkitkan serta mengobarkan keberanian rakyat Indramayu melawan Belanda pada masa perang fisik (1945-1949).The war defended the post-independence Indonesian State of Independence in several areas, including the struggle of the red-blooded forces of Muhammad Asmat Sentot in the Indramayu area of West Java. It should be emphasized that the diplomacy process can not be separated by military activity. The problem raised in the research is about how the biography of Sentot as the leader of the physical war struggle in Indramayu (1945-1949)? How is the struggle of red demon troops led by Sentot in maintaining independence in Indramayu area of West Java Province? This study aims to determine the biography of Sentot and to understand the heroic values of Muhammad As'ad Sentot struggle against Dutch Military Aggression in defending the Indramayu region. This paper uses historical research methods (heuristics, criticism, interpretation, historiography). While the theory used is the theory of causality. The result of this research is that Sentot is a central figure in the event of physical war to defend the independence in Indramayu, West Java. He has an important role to raise and brave the people of Indramayu against the Dutch during the period of the physical war (1945-1949). 

Copyrights © 2018

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Arts Humanities


Patanjala means river water that constantly flowing along the path through to the estuary. As well as the characteristics of river water, all human have to work and do good deeds, with focus on future goals. Patanjala is a journal containing research results on cultural, artistic, and film values as ...