Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Vol 10, No 3 (2018): PATANJALA Vol. 10 No. 3, September 2018


Leli Yulifar (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Nov 2018


Komunitas Kabuyutan Cipageran Cimahi layaknya “museum” hidup yang menghubungkan masa lalu dan kini. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asal-usul dan eksistensi Kabuyutan Cipageran. Metode penelitian sejarah yang dimulai dari heuristik sampai dengan historiografi merupakan tahapan yang tidak mudah dilewati, mengingat keterbatasan sumber, terutama sumber tertulis. Melalui teknik pengumpulan data berupa sumber tertulis/dokumentasi, wawancara terhadap empat narasumber yakni  pupuhu (tokoh), budayawan, wakil  komunitas kabuyutan,  dan observasi di lapangan, ditemukan bahwa Kabuyutan Cipageran diduga kuat mulai ada sejak zaman Kerajaan Sunda yang eksis antara akhir abad ke-7 sampai  akhir abad ke-16. Mengacu pada perjalanan sejarahnya, Kabuyutan Cipageran merupakan salah satu bukti adanya tempat leluhur Sunda, dan replika kampung Sunda tempo dulu. Amanat leluhur Sunda yang sangat dihormati oleh generasi penerusnya, menunjukkan nilai-nilai tinggi dan strategis  dalam kebudayaan, khususnya kebudayaan Sunda. Hasil penelitian tersebut diharapkan dapat menjawab  asal-usul Komunitas Kabuyutan  dan  sebagai  bahan awal yang tertulis untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Kabuyutan Cipageran Cimahi Community is like a living "museum" that connects the past and present. Therefore, this study aims to determine the origin and existence of Kabuyutan Cipageran. Historical research methods starting from heuristics to historiography are stages that are not easily passed, given the limited resources, especially written sources. From some techniques of collecting data; in the form of written or documentation sources, interviews with four speakers, pupuhu (figures), cultural observers, representatives of the Kabuyutan community, and observations in the field, it was found that Kabuyutan Cipageran was strongly suspected to have existed since the 7th century of Sunda Empire  to the end of the 16th century. Referring to its historical journey, Kabuyutan Cipageran is one proof of the existence of a Sundanese ancestral place, and a replica of the old Sundanese village. The mandate of Sundanese ancestors who are highly respected by their next generation shows high and strategic values in culture, especially Sundanese culture. The results of the study are expected to be able to answer the origins of the Kabuyutan Community as well as the starting written material for further research.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Arts Humanities


Patanjala means river water that constantly flowing along the path through to the estuary. As well as the characteristics of river water, all human have to work and do good deeds, with focus on future goals. Patanjala is a journal containing research results on cultural, artistic, and film values as ...