KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer)
Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Peranan Teknologi dan Informasi Terhadap Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia di Era


Damanik, Burhanuddin (Unknown)
Swono Sibagariang, Swono Sibagariang (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Oct 2018


Nature mankinds assets (HR) will empower the organization on oversee its exercises so that those expressed destinations would attained. A standout amongst the significant exercises to the organization may be the Worker execution examination procedure. Worker execution examination is An phase to assessing those execution conveyed out Throughout its fill in period, Also could be utilized as a attention to the advancement for representatives. In this study, those evaluation might have been conveyed crazy on the execution for lecturers at sari Mutiara indonesia school. Those procedure about surveying speaker execution will be presently conveyed crazy Eventually Toms perusing those nature certification establishment. Execution examination may be conveyed out In view of the existing criteria, to be specific the appraisal of the Universitys Tri Dharma, attendance, interview Furthermore evaluation direction outside the principle errands. Anyhow Throughout this period those execution examination will be at present completed utilizing Microsoft outperform Furthermore there will be no exceptional programming that aides the appraisal process, done ascertaining the worth is also just acquired from those duplication of qualities to each paradigm for weight, with the utilization of the technique relied upon figuring will be a greater amount point by point. Dependent upon those states that would necessary an arrangement that could help those execution appraisal procedure and the framework that meets these states will be a choice help supportive network in view the framework could assistance decide In light of existing criteria. Choice help supportive network constructed utilizing the inclination positioning association technique for improvement assessment (PROMETHEE) system. The Promethee strategy will be a system for figuring out those request (priority) to its center Investigation Previously, simplicity, clarity Whats more Dependability. This strategy might be used to focus those best lecturers with Different determination criteria. Those purpose behind picking this strategy may be in light of clinched alongside computational calculations it will be proficient Also need the capacity on measure the relative execution from claiming choice plan B over An straightforward scientific type. The comes about about this study would choice help frameworks that could a chance to be used to evaluate those execution of every speaker toward sari Mutiara indonesia college thats only the tip of the iceberg decisively In light of the existing criteria.Keywords: Lecturer performance assessment, Decision Support System, PROMETHEE

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering


Jurnal KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) adalah wadah publikasi bagi peneliti dalam bidang kecerdasan buatan, kriptografi, pengolahan citra, data mining, system pendukung keputusan, mobile computing, system operasi, multimedia, system pakar, GIS, jaringan ...