Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Mei 2018


Istioningsih, Istioningsih (Unknown)
Wariska, Linda (Unknown)
Wariska, Linda (Unknown)
Widiastuti, Yuni Puji (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jan 2019


Persalinan prematur merupakan kondisi janin lahir sebelum genap 37 minggu, dan pada janin yang lahir kurang dari 32 minggu beresiko mengalami kematian 70 kali lebih besar akibat imaturitas organ tubuh janin, berdasarkan hal tersebut prematuritas merupakan kondisi penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas pada neonatus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran status psikologis responden pada persalinan prematur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 54 responden dengan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan: usia terendah responden adalah 14 tahun dan usia tertinggi adalah 48 tahun rerata usia responden adalah 26 tahun. Sebagian besar responden merupakan pada kategori usia yang aman sebesar 57,4%. Sebagian besar respondenmengalami stress sejumlah 83,3% baik itu stress ringan, sedang maupun parah. Sebesar 81,5% responden mengalami anxiety dari ringan sampai sangat parah. Status psikologis depresi pasien sebagian besar sebanyak 79,6% adalah normal dan ada sejumlah 20,4% mengalami depresi. Tenaga kesehatan disarankan melakukan upaya promotif dan preventif dalam bentuk pemberian pendidikan kesehatan, mempersiapkan pendidikan psikologis ibu hamil untuk mencegah persalinan prematur. Ibu hamil juga disarankan untuk mempersiapkan kondisi fisik dan psikologis sebelum kehamilan. Kata kunci: Persalinan Prematur, Psikologis THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STATUS OF MOTHER WITH PREMATURE LABOR ABSTRACTPremature labor is a condition of the fetus born before even 37 weeks, and in fetuses born less than 32 weeks the risk of death is 70 times greater due to immaturity of fetal organs, based on this prematurity is the main cause of mortality and morbidity in neonates. The purpose of this study is to describe the psychological status of respondents in preterm labor. This research is a descriptive study with a cross sectional approach. The number of samples was 54 respondents with purposive sampling. The results were obtained: the lowest age of respondents was 14 years and the highest age was 48 years the average age of respondents was 26 years. Most of the respondents were in the safe age category of 57.4%. Most of the respondents experienced 83.3% stress, both mild, moderate and severe stress. 81.5% of respondents experienced anxiety from mild to very severe. The psychological status of depressed patients is mostly 79.6% is normal and there are a number of 20.4% experiencing depression. Health workers are advised to carry out promotive and preventive efforts in the form of providing health education, preparing psychological education for pregnant women to prevent premature labor. Pregnant women are also advised to prepare physical and psychological conditions before pregnancy. Keywords: Premature labor, psychology

Copyrights © 2018

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Education Health Professions Nursing Public Health Veterinary


Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa publishes articles in the scope of mental nursing broadly but is limited, especially in the field of mental nursing in healthy groups, risks, and disorders. Articles must be the result of research, case studies, results of literature studies, scientific concepts, knowledge ...