Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care
Vol 34 No 2 (2016): Juni

Perbandingan Efektivitas Tablet Hisap Amylmetacresol-dibenal dengan Profilaksis Deksametason Intravena Sebelum Pemasangan Pipa Endotrakeal untuk Mengurangi Kekerapan Nyeri Tenggorok Pascaoperasi

Harijanto, Eddy (Unknown)
Firdaus, Riyadh (Unknown)
Kurnia, Dedy (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Jul 2017


Nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi post-operative sore throat (POST) merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering muncul pada anestesia umum dengan teknik intubasi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk membandingkan antara efektivitas tablet hisap amylmetacresol-dibenal dengan profilaksis deksametason intravena sebelum pemasangan pipa endotrakeal untuk mengurangi kekerapan POST. Setelah mendapatkan izin dari Komite Etik penelitian FKUI RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo dan persetujuan dari pasien, dilakukan uji klinis prospektif yang diacak dan tersamar ganda pada 121 pasien yang menjalani operasi dalam anestesia umum menggunakan pipa endotrakeal. Pasien dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu Grup A 61 orang dan grup B 60 orang. Sebelum induksi, pasien dalam grup A diberikan tablet hisap amylmetacresol-dibenal dan suntikan NaCl 0,9% 2 mL dan grup B diberikan Deksametason 10 mg intravena dan tablet hisap plasebo. Nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi dievaluasi dengan numerical rating scale (NRS) sebanyak 3 kali, yaitu setelah operasi saat Alderette skor 10, 2 jam pascaoperasi dan 24 jam pascaoperasi.  Kekerapan dan derajat nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi dicatat dan dianalisis dengan uji chi-kuadrat. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan kekerapan nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi bermakna pada kedua kelompok sesaat setelah operasi berakhir, jam ke-2 dan jam ke-24 pascaoperasi. Derajat nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi tidak berbeda bermakna di antara kedua kelompok. Tablet hisap amylmetacresol-dibenal sebelum pemasangan pipa endotrakeal memiliki efektivitas yang sama dengan profilaksis deksametason intravena dalam mengurangi kekerapan nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi. Kata kunci: Amylmetacresol-dibenal, deksametason, intubasi endotrakeal, nyeri tenggorok pascaoperasi, StrepsilsĀ® Comparison between Amylmetacresol-dibenal Lozenges and Prophylactic Intravenous Dexamethasone Before Intubation to Reduce the Incidence of Postoperative Sore Throat (POST) Post-operative sore throat (POST) is one of the complications that often arise in the general anesthesia with intubation techniques. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of amylmetacresol-dibenal lozenges with prophylactic intravenous dexamethasone before intubation to reduce the incidence of POST. After approval from Ethics Committee Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital and consent from patients,a prospective randomized clinical,double-blind trial was done in 121 patients that would undergo surgery under general anesthesia using endotracheal tube. Patients were divided into two groups randomly; Group A 61 people and group B 60 people. Before induction, patients in group A was given amylmetacresol - dibenal lozenges and injection of 2 mL of 0.9% NaCl, while group B was given intravenous dexamethasone 10 mg and placebo lozenges. POST was evaluated by the numerical rating scale (NRS) 3 times, after surgery when Alderette score of 10, 2 hours postoperatively and 24 hours postoperatively. The frequency and degree of POST were recorded and analyzed with Chi-Square test. There were no significant difference in the incidence of POST in both groups after surgery when Alderette score of 10  , h 2, and the 24th hour postoperatively. The degree of POST was not significantly different between the two groups. Amylmetacresol - dibenal lozenges before intubation tube has the same effectiveness of prophylactic intravenous dexamethasone in reducing the incidence of POST. Key words: Amylmetacresol-dibenal lozenges, dexamethasone, endotracheal intubation, postoperative sore throat (POST), StrepsilsĀ®

Copyrights © 2016

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Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology


Majalah ANESTESIA & CRITICAL CARE (The Indonesian Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care) is to publish peer-reviewed original articles in clinical research relevant to anesthesia, critical care, and case report . This journal is published every 4 months (February, June, and October) by ...