Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care
Vol 34 No 3 (2016): Oktober

Weil’s Disease dengan Perdarahan Pulmonal

Harly, Patra Rijalul (Unknown)
Sitanggang, Ruli Herman (Unknown)
Maskoen, Tinni T. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Jul 2017


Leptospirosis adalah zoonosis akibat leptospira yang banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis dengan curah hujan yang tinggi. Manifestasi klinis bervariasi mulai dari penyakit yang self-limited dengan tanda dan gejala yang tidak spesifik, meningitis aseptik benigna, Weil’s disease (ikterus, disfungsi renal, dan perdarahan), hingga perdarahan pulmonal yang memiliki mortalitas tinggi. Seorang laki – laki 18 tahun datang ke unit gawat darurat Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin pada bulan Juni 2016 dengan Weil’s disease yang disertai perdarahan pulmonal. Terjadi kegagalan fungsi organ multipel yang memberat, sehingga dikonsulkan ke ICU pada hari ke 2 perawatan di rumah sakit. Didapatkan APACHE II Score 17 dengan prediksi mortalitas 25% pada saat masuk ICU. Kegagalan fungsi organ yang didapatkan adalah respirasi (P/F Ratio 52,6), ginjal (Kreatinin 5,36mg/dL), dan hati (bilirubin total 26,26 mg/dL). Diagnosis leptospirosis ditegakkan dengan skor Modified Faine Criteria 31. Manajemen di ICU pada pasien ini dilakukan dengan ventilasi mekanis, hemodialisis, meropenem dan methylprednisolone. Kortikosteroid diberikan mengingat patofisiologi leptospirosis yang diperkirakan akibat reaksi autoimun. Terjadi perbaikan pada fungsi respirasi (P/F Ratio 445), ginjal (Kreatinin 0,52/dL), dan hati (bilirubin total 10,76 mg/dL). Pasien diekstubasi pada hari ke 7 perawatan di ICU dan pindah ke ruang perawatan pada hari ke 8 perawatan di ICU. Kata kunci: Weil’s disease, Perdarahan Pulmonal, Methylprednisolone Weil’s Disease with Pulmonary HemorrhageLeptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by leptospira spp. mainly found in high rainfall tropical area. Clinical manifestation greatly varies from self limited non specific disease, benign aseptic meningitis, Weil’s disease (jaundice, acute kidney injury, and hemorrhage), to a highly lethal pulmonary hemorrhage. An 18 years old male came to the Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital emergency department on June 2016, diagnosed as Weil’s disease with pulmonary hemorrhage. He has a worsening multiple organ failure, and consulted to the ICU at the 2nd day of hospitalization.Apache II score at ICU admission is 17 with predicted mortality 25%. Organ failure at ICU admission were respiration (P/F Ratio 52,6), kidney (Creatinine 5,36mg/dL), and liver (Total Bilirubin 26,26 mg/dL). Diagnosis of leptospirosis is made based on Modified Faine Criteria score of 31. ICU management consist of menchanical ventilation, hemodialysis, meropenem, and methylprednisolone. Rationale of corticosteroid administration is due to pathophysiology of leptospirosis, which is believed to be related to an autoimmune process. Respiration function (P/F Ratio 445), kidney function (Creatinine 0,52/dL), and liver function (Total Bilirubin 10,76 mg/dL)were resolved. Patient was extubated on the 7th day after ICU admission, and discharged to the ward on the 8th day after ICU admission. Key words: Weil’s disease, Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Methylprednisolone

Copyrights © 2016

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Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology


Majalah ANESTESIA & CRITICAL CARE (The Indonesian Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care) is to publish peer-reviewed original articles in clinical research relevant to anesthesia, critical care, and case report . This journal is published every 4 months (February, June, and October) by ...