Vol 14 No 2: Oktober 2011

TEOLOGI MULTIKULTURAL (Resolusi Konflik Religiusitas di Indonesia)

Haryati, Tri Astutik (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Oct 2017


Raison d’etre teologi Islam adalah tuntutan "realitassosial". Teologi seharusnya tidak hanya membahas konsepketuhanan melainkan refleksi kritis agama terhadappermasalahan sosial. Salah satunya adalah persoalan pluralitasagama di Indonesia. Islam dapat menjadi pijakan bagispiritualitas multikultural melalui pemahaman mendalamterhadap nilai-nilai etik fundamental yang dimiliki olehagama-agama sehingga menjadi entri point untuk mencarititik temu (kalimatun sawa)' sehingga dapat melahirkanmutual understanding diantara agama-agama. TeologiMultikultural sangat penting di jaman kontemporer ini karenapluralitas telah menjadi keniscayaan. Selain itu berguna untukmenghadapi berbagai fenomena keagamaan di masa depanyang ditandai oleh konflik-konflik dengan mengatasnamakanagama. Meskipun agama bukan satu-satunya faktor namunjelas sekali bahwa pertimbangan keagamaan dalam konflikkonflikitu dalam ekskalasinya banyak memainkan peran.Raison d’être of Islamic theology is a “social reality” demand.Theology should not only discuss about the concept of Godbut also reflect the religion critically with the social problems.One of them is plurality of religion in Indonesia. Islam can bemade as foundation to multicultural of spirituality throughdeep understanding of ethic values owned by many religion inIndonesia so that it become an entry point to find the meetingpoint (the same word) that can bring about mutualunderstanding among the religions. Multicultural theology isvery important in this contemporary time because pluralityhas become a must. Besides, it is also useful to face manyreligious problems in the future like conflicts on behalf ofreligion. Even though religion is not the only factor, it is soclear that religious justification in those conflicts plays animportant role.

Copyrights © 2011

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Religion Humanities Education


Religia is a periodical scientific journal with ISSN Print: 1411-1632; Online: 2527-5992 published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Da'wah IAIN Pekalongan. This journal specializes in the study of Islamic sciences (Islamic Theology, Philosophy and Islamic thought, Tafsir-Hadith, Science of ...