Jurnal Sains Natural
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019): Sains Natural


Indri Suswanti (PT Sucofindo SBU Laboratorium)
RTM Sutamihardja (Progam Studi Kimia FMIPA Universitas Nusa Bangsa)
Dian Arrisujaya (Progam Studi Kimia FMIPA Universitas Nusa Bangsa)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Mar 2019


Potential Of Phosphate and Nitrogen Compounds in Pollution of The Upper Ciliwung River in Bogor River is a habitat for various types of aquatic organisms that can provide an overview of the state of the river, such as the quality and quantity of ecological relationships that occur within it. Ciliwung is one of the rivers that flow to Jakarta via Puncak, Bogor Regency, Bogor City, Depok City and empties into the Bay of Jakarta. In 2015, the quality status of the upstream Ciliwung river had moderate polluted status. One parameter for reviewing water quality is nutrient content (phosphate and nitrogen). The presence of high nutrients can stimulate the growth of algae in waters that can harm the aquatic ecosystem. This study shows that there is a relations and positive relations with a correlation coefficient of 0.508 on the nitrogen and phosphate compounds in the upstream Ciliwung river water pollution. The concentration of nitrogen compounds is higher than that of phosphate.Keywords: Ciliwung, Nitrogen, Phosphates, River, Relations. ABSTRAK Sungai merupakan suatu habitat bagi berbagai jenis organisme akuatik yang dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai keadaan sungai, seperti kualitas dan kuantitas dari hubungan ekologis yang terjadi didalamnya. Sungai Ciliwung merupakan salah satu sungai yang mengalir kearah Jakarta melalui Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, Kota Bogor, Kota Depok dan bermuara ke Teluk Jakarta. Pada tahun 2015, status mutu sungai Ciliwung bagian hulu memiliki status tercemar sedang. Salah satu parameter peninjauan kualitas air adalah kandungan zat hara (fosfat dan nitrogen). Keberadaan zat hara yang tinggi dapat menstimulasi ledakkan pertumbuhan algae di perairan yang dapat merugikan ekosistem perairan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang sedang dan positif dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,508 terhadap senyawaan nitrogen dan fosfat pada pencemaran air sungai Ciliwung bagian hulu. Konsentrasi senyawaan nitrogen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan fosfat.Kata kunci: Ciliwung, Nitrogen, Fosfat, Hubungan, Sungai.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Chemistry


Jurnal Sains Natural is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, as well as short communication with the objectives to explore the knowledge about natural sciences. This journal incorporates not only all branches of chemistry and biology, but ...