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Urgensi Pemertahanan Bahasa Ibu di Sekolah Dasar Ibda, Hamidulloh
SHAHIH: Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.141 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shahih.v2i2.980


Mother tongue defense is an effort to preserve the language treasures in Nusantara. Mother tongue as part of Indonesian wealth must be kept early, especially in elementary school level. If elementary school children lose their native language, it will deprive their own culture and character. Damage to language in children is a clear proof that maintaining the mother tongue is very important. Mother tongue defense in addition to strengthening in language learning can also be done through cultural diversity, maintaining ethnic identity, social adaptability, enhancing children’s sense of security and enhancing linguistic sensitivity. In addition, it needs family support, language environment in schools, language celebrations and mass media support as forming the public language.
Publisher : Prodi Ekonomi Syariah Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/equilibrium.v6i2.4053


This article discusses the university’s strategy in advancing Islamic Financial Institutions to responding the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. In addition to having new literacy skills, Islamic economics students and scholars are required to master 21st century competencies. The method of writing this article uses a descriptive qualitative approach that refers to library research. From the results of the discussion, the university’s strategy in advancing sharia financial institutions is divided into long and short term. In the long run, universities prepare quality human resources. First, strengthening the curriculum refers to KKNI-SNPT. Second, the contextual learning orientation in the field, especially in Islamic economics / economics study programs in collaboration with Islamic financial institutions. Third, the synergy of the Financial Services Authority and Islamic Financial Institutions in strengthening training for sharia financial trainers. Fourth, cooperation in sharia financial institutions or financial institutions abroad. In short, tertiary institutions apply financial literacy to students to increase inclusion of Islamic finance. First, strengthening financial literacy in the real action area. Second, strengthening new literacy-based financial literacy that targets data literacy, technology and human literacy capabilities. Third, increase activities in the form of socialization, seminars, public lectures, or field-based practices that combine collaboration between the campus, the Financial Services Authority, Islamic Financial Institutions, and related agencies. Fourth, research-based innovation on sharia economic products that are rarely addressed. For example sharia tourism (nature, religion, culinary, cultural), e-commerce, and others. Fifth, patent and continuous collaboration between universities and Islamic Financial Institutions by making “student savings”. Sixth, educational scholarships or educational loans are products of the Islamic Financial Institutions itself.
Penguatan Karakter Toleran dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Whole Language di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ibda, Hamidulloh
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Wahan Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v5i2.2628


This article discusses the dynamics of intolerance from aspects of mind, language, action and solution through strengthening the education of tolerant character in learning Indonesian. Intolerance in practice can be harsh words, hate speech, harassment, until the action of radicalism. Strengthening character education is a mandate that must be implemented in Islamic elementary education. There are seventeen required  implemented characters. Start religious character, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard working, creative independent, democratic, curiosity, spirit of nationality, love of the homeland, appreciate achievement, communicative, love peace, love reading, caring environment, social care, and responsible. Tolerance became one of the urgent characters strengthened in this era of the fourth industrial revolution. The language of the children represents its character. The more polite, refined, and tolerant of their language, the stronger the character is polite, refined, and tolerant to them, and vice versa. Indonesian language learning with whole language approach can strengthen the tolerant character because it is done intact, integral, not partial from aspects of listening, reading, writing and speaking. The language understanding in this approach is not just textual, but contextual and even intertextual. Indonesian language learning through whole language approach aims to strengthen the character of tolerant, polite, social care and boils down to the attitude of religious tolerance. There are two indicators of religious tolerance, to people of fellow religion, and tolerance to people of different religions.
Development of Plants and Animals Puppet Media Based on Conservation Values in Learning to Write Creative Drama Scripts in Elementary Schools Ibda, Hamidulloh
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 1(2), 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.725 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v1i2.1564


This research is motivated dissatisfaction of teachers and students on learning media in school. The purpose of this study is (1) describe the development needs of plants and animals puppet media, (2) determining the value of the puppet characters of plants and animals, (3) describe the use of plants and animals puppet media, (4) test the effectiveness of the use of plants and animals puppet media. The method used is Research and Development (R & D). The eight stages covering explore the potential and problems, analyze the needs, preparation of media design, media validation, revision, testing a limited scale, revision back, and wide-scale trials. The results of this study indicate that (a) the needs of the media by the learner, including packaging, contents, materials, physical, and values contained in the media; (B) the character of the value of plants and animals puppet media is conservation values; (C) the utilization of plants and animals puppet media carried out in groups with one group consists of 2-3 people; (D) the development of plants and animals puppets charged effective conservation for students fifth grade elementary school.
The Strategy of the Educational Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java In Preventing Radicalism Ibda, Hamidulloh
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol.1(2), May 2019
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.716 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v1i2.1544


This study aims to describe the strategy of the Education Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java in preventing radicalism. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with interview and observation techniques. The results of the study, the strategy of the Education Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java was carried out in several ways. Starting from the strengthening of school quality, ideology, literacy, curriculum, teachers, and school management. Until April 2019, there have been no reports of schools or Islamic School under the Education Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java that were exposed to or entered into radicalism. For this reason, although this strategy has only been running for one year, it has been effective in preventing radicalism. Despite receiving a positive response and the support of various parties, the Education Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java itself experienced obstacles and opportunities. With the support of foreign institutions, the government, universities, the strategy of the Education Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java is optimistic to stem radicalism in schools and Islamic School during a period of management.
Thuggery and Cultural Da’wah: A Case Study of Jama’ah Pasrah Foundation, Pati, Indonesia Ibda, Hamidulloh
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 16 Nomor 1 2019
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.825 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v16i1.1813


This study aims to analyze the model of cultural preaching carried out by Jama'ah Pasrah in reducing thuggery. Through ethnographic and phenomenological research, data were obtained from in-depth interviews with the administrators of Jama'ah Pasrah, the Dukuhseti village community, and ulama. The results of this study revealed that thuggery can be muted through a cultural preaching model, which dialogues culture and Islam Jama'ah Pasrah acculturated through several approaches. The first one was by approaching the thug leaders to participate in tahlilan, zibaan, yasinan, manakiban, and ziarah kubur. Second, providing preaching with nuances of religious art through the establishment of a burdah group. Third, da'wah through tahlilan, yasinan, and manakiban by providing alms or ayam ingkung to eat together. Fourth, giving spiritual guidance through wirid, selawat, hadrah, and also a kind of therapy with recitations of the Holy Qur'an. Fifth, invite ex-thugs to fast for one week with one sahur only. All of those approaches were realized in 12 forms of activities, which were in annual, monthly, and weekly bases. Cultural Da'wah of the Jamaah Pasrah Foundation was able to minimize thuggery from all categories, both Korea, gentlemen and bastard classes.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berwawasan Literasi Baru di Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menjawab Tantangan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Ibda, Hamidulloh
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36567/jalabahasa.v15i1.227


ABSTRAK Artikel ini membahas pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia berwawasan literasi baru di perguruan tinggi dalam menjawab tantangan era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tantangan era ini sangat kompleks yang mengharuskan perguruan tinggi mengimplementasikan literasi baru (literasi data, literasi teknologi, literasi manusia) yang menjadi pelengkap literasi lama (membaca, menulis, berhitung). Artikel menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi pustaka ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia berwawasan literasi baru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di perguruan tinggi berwawasan literasi baru sangat strategis menjawab tantangan Revolusi Industri 4.0. Implementasi literasi bisa dilakukan dengan penguatan literasi data, literasi teknologi, dan literasi manusia. Selain meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa pada materi kebahasaan, literasi baru meningkatkan keterampilan menulis dan berbicara berbasis data dan teknologi. Literasi baru menjadi ruh mahasiswa dalam menulis karya jurnalistik, karya ilmiah, dan karya sastra. Implementasi literasi baru sangat ditentukan dosen Bahasa Indonesia yang harus memiliki kompetensi digital, menciptakan pembelajaran kreatif dan berpikir kritis, serta berbasis online.Kata Kunci: Bahasa Indonesia, Literasi Baru, Perguruan Tinggi, Revolusi Industri 4.0 ABSTRACTThis article discusses the learning of new literacy-oriented Indonesian Language in universities in answering the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era. The challenge of this era is very complex which requires universities to implement new literacy (data literacy, technology literacy, human literacy) which complement old literacy (reading, writing, counting). The article uses a descriptive qualitative approach with this literature study method aimed at describing new literacy-oriented Indonesian language learning. The results of the study show that Indonesian language learning in new literacy-oriented universities is very strategic in responding to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. Literacy implementation can be done by strengthening data literacy, technology literacy, and human literacy. In addition to improving students? understanding of linguistic material, new literacy improves data and technology-based writing and speaking skills. Literacy has only become the spirit of students in writing journalistic works, scientific works, and literary works. The implementation of new literacy is very much determined by Indonesian language lecturers who must have digital competence, create creative learning and critical thinking, and online-based.Keyword: Indonesian Language, New Literacy, University, Fourth Industrial Revolution.
IJOEEL: International Journal of English Education and Linguistics Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Language in Teaching
Publisher : IJOEEL: International Journal of English Education and Linguistics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.787 KB)


Writing scientific articles for higher education students, especially undergraduate ones will be difficult without habituation, training, and program with product oriented in form of book. If it runs naturally and lecturers only give assignments to write scientific articles without education or literacy education, they tend to make plagiarism. This study aims at improving the students? skills of writing scientific articles through ?One Semester One Book? writing program. Classroom activity is designed as the pillar of literacy namely reading, writing, and arithmetic in accordance with the integrated language learning approach by combining four language skills which is oriented by product of articles or book. The results of the study show that there are improvements of the students? scientific articles writing skills achieved by 89 students in some aspects. They cover the progress of: first, skills of determining the research problems from 35 students (39%) to 85 students (95%); second, skills of determining the theme and tittle of the scientific articles from 24 students (26%) to 89 (100%); third, skills of determining the word choice appropriately from 25 students (28%) to 80 students (89%); fourth, skills of using correct spelling based on General Indonesian Spelling Guidelines (PUEBI) rules from 35 students (39%) to 75 students (84%); fifth, skills of applying citation method from 25 students (28%) to 80 students (89%); sixth, improvement of the number of the students who do not commit plagiarism from 25 students (28%) to 85 students (95%); and seventh, skills of writing contemporary issues about education or religion from 34 students (38%) to 84 students (94%). The research findings reveal that the ?One Semester One Book? writing program is strategic in improving the students? skills of writing scientific articles.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v7n2.p83-98


Penelitian ini membahas penguatan literasi perpajakan melalui strategi GEBUK (Gerakan Membuat Kartu) NPWP pada mahasiswa STAINU Temanggung. Populasi penelitian mahasiswa pada empat program studi di STAINU Temanggung berjumlah 40 mahasiswa. Dari penguatan literasi perpajakan, mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pemahaman tentang perpajakan setelah diberi tindakan. Pertama, mengetahui pengertian pajak dengan ketuntasan 35 mahasiswa (87,5 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35%). Kedua, mengetahui pengertian wajib pajak sebanyak 37 mahasiswa (92,5 %) yang awalnya 18 mahasiswa (45 %). Ketiga, mengetahui macam-macam pajak sebanyak 38 mahasiswa (95 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Keempat, mengetahui pengertian NPWP sebanyak 39 mahasiswa (97,5 %) yang awalnya 17 mahasiswa (42,5%). Kelima, mengetahui manfaat pajak dan NPWP bagi negara dan masyarakat menjadi 36 mahasiswa (90 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Sedangkan dalam hal kepemilikan NPWP, dari 40 mahasiswa yang awalnya hanya 3 orang (7,5%) yang memiliki NPWP, setelah dilakukan strategi GEBUK NPWP meningkat menjadi 40 mahasiswa (100%).
Strategi Lembaga Takmir Masjid Nahdlatul Ulama (LTM NU) Temanggung Dalam Mencegah Radikalisme Agama Ibda, Hamidulloh; Saifuddin, Khamim
el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies el Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2, 2019
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.82 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/el-buhuth.v1i2.1604


The background of this research is the potential for religious radicalism in mosques in Temanggung Regency. They are a radical group that has several ways to control the mosque. This article describes the strategy of the Mosque Organizers Institution Nahdlatul Ulama (LTM NU) of Temanggung in preventing religious radicalism in the mosque. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection methods namely interviews and observations. The results of the study stated that there were several strategies carried out by LTM NU of Temanggung in preventing radicalism. First, strengthening the management of mosque takmir refers to Aswaja Annahdliyah’s Islamic values. Second, revitalization of idarah, imarah, and ri’ayah management. Third, revamping the management structure of the mosque. Fourth, mobilizing the spirit of religious leaders to strengthen moderate Islamic studies. Fifth, the movement of NU coins (koin NU) in the mosque. Sixth, assisting the mosque when there are problems or not. Seventh, synergy between the Autonomous Agency (Banom) and institutions under NU. Eighth, the mosque’s clean movement. Ninth, identify local lector who are preachers at the mosque. There are several challenges and opportunities in implementing the strategy. The first challenge is the low understanding of the organizational management of mosque takmir. Second, limited religious knowledge from the mosque manager. Third, the structure of Aswaja Annahdliyah teachings has not been structured. Fourth, the massive offer of radical Islamic activities in NU mosques. Fifth, the doctrine is strong about the strategy of mastering mosques from radical groups. Sixth, infiltration of individuals / radical Islamic organizations. Seventh, the strong funding from abroad in the construction of mosques. The opportunity, first is the strong family culture in the community. Second, awareness of the dangers of radicalism. Third, the dominance of NU residents in the mosque’s takmir structure. Fourth, the massive implementation of mosque takmir training. Fifth, the existence of Islamic religious instructors in the villages dominated by NU residents. Sixth, the implementation of the competition for destitution management. Seventh, program support from autonomous body (Banom) / NU institutions. The impact of this strategy to prevent religious radicalism gave birth to the awareness of takmir officials to guard mosques from radical groups. While in the short term, the management of the mosque takmir is set up to 90 percent of the total mosques that have joined LTM NU Temanggung, and there are dozens of mosques that will join LTM NU of Temanggung.

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