Forum Arkeologi
Published by Balai Arkeologi Bali
Forum Arkeologi Journal as a media for disseminating various information related to culture in the past, based on the results of archaeological research and cultural scientific studies. Forum Arkeologi Journal is a scientific journal published by Balai Arkeologi Bali since 1988. Forum Arkeologi Journal published twice a year. Each article published in Forum Arkeologi reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers who have the competence and appropriate field of expertise. Editorial received writings of archaeological research, history, ethnography, anthropology, and other supporting science related to human and culture. Forum Arkeologi is accredited as national scientific journal number 772 / AU1 / P2MI-LIPI / 08 / 2017. Starting at the end of 2016, Forum Arkeologi begins to use electronic journal systems following technological and information developments and facilitate reader access.
Publication Per Year