Gelanggang Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia
Journal of Physical Education Arena is published by Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang (UM). The Indonesian Physical Education Arena is published twice a year in April and October containing articles of research and thought results in the field of Physical Education. First published in January 1990 with the name of "GELANGGANG" , renamed with the "JURNAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI" in 2014, then renamed with "PENDIDIKAN JASMANI" in 2017 and last renamed with the "GELANGGANG PENDIDIKAN JASMANI INDONESIA" in 2018. Learning Domains in Physical Education includes learning plan, learning implementation and learning evaluation. Learning materials of Physical Education consits of 6 category namely: 1) Sports basic science, 2) Motor Activity, 3) Teaching methods and didactic, 4) Statictics and research method, 5) Management, and 6) Blended Learning.
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