Jambura Science of Management
Jambura Science of Management is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Management, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo twice a year in January and July. P-ISSN (2655-3651) E-ISSN (2656-0453) The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Operational Management, Risk Management, Business Management. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Jambura Science of Management in cooperation with Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Indonesia (ALJEBI)
Publication Per Year