The Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues (CSI)
Published by Universitas Jember
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues is an open-access journal that does not charge fees for authors or institutional subscriptions. CSI is managed by Advanced Studies on Socio-Economic Development based at the University of Jember. CSI is primarily focused on issues related to: a. economic and sustainable development, b. media and communication, c. youth and marginal communities, d. feminism and woman rights, e. postcolonialism and social movements, f. social transformation, g. political rights, h. religious practices, i. health care systems, minority rights and identity, j. peasantry and land rights, k. tradition and indigenous rights, l. social changes, demographic and labour, m. alternative educational systems, n. tourism and heritage, o. demography and working-class, p. bureaucracy, and good governance, q. conflict, and peace, r. environmental and conservation, s. and various additional cultural articulations issues in the local or global context.
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