Al-Mizan: Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Ekonomi Syariah
The Al-Mizan Journal focuses on the study of Journal of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics. The study of Journal of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics which focuses on universal and Islamic values by upholding diversity and humanity. Al-Mizan Journal studies are published based on research results both theoretically and practically, which include: ISLAMIC LAW specializes in Islamic Law in Modern State, especially related topics with Islamic law as positive law, Islamic law as a living law, and unification and harmonization of law. Family Law Islamic Family Law Family Study Islamic Criminal Law Customary Law History of Islamic Family Law and Islamic Law ECONOMICS SYARIA Islamic banking and finance Islamic insurance Islamic social funds (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqaf) Islamic business ethics Islamic contemporary economics and business issues Islamic management and retail marketing Islamic economics education Public relations and retail communication Innovation and product development Economic practices in Islamic Communities
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