Jurnal Inovasi Pembangunan
Development Innovation Journal published starting from volume 01 of 2013 when it was still under the Bappeda Lampung Province in the Field of Research and Development under the name Journal of Development Innovation. Then since the enactment of Local Regulation of Lampung Province No. 3 of 2014 Regional Research and Development Agency of Innovation Lampung Province was formed on August 8, 2014. Field of Publication and Information one of the main tasks is the journal and journal title changed from Journal of Development Innovation to Journal of Innovation and Development. Furthermore, based on Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2016 Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangnovda) Lampung Province again changed into Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) Lampung Province, Division of Science and Technology oversees Sub Division Data Dissemination and Publication Kelitbangan as a manager of journals and the name of the journal was again changed to Journal of Development Innovation. Focus and Scope Development Innovation: Jurnal Kelitbangan (JIP) is a journal that provides a source of scientific information aimed at researchers, research institutions, government agencies, and stakeholders in all fields. JIP publishes original research manuscripts, reviews articles, studies, and case studies that focus on research: Public Culture Government Information and communication technology Social and Cultural Rights Health Economics Agriculture Technique Education Energy Transportation Tourism
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