Indonesian Health Journal
Welcome to the official INHEALTH: Indonesian Health Journal website. INHEALTH: Indonesian Health Journal has the content of research results and reviews in the field of selected studies covering various branches of health science. This journal is published Twice (2 Kali) within a year of February and August, submitted and ready-to-publish scripts will be published online gradually and the printed version will be released at the end of the publishing period. INHEALTH : Indonesian Health Journal is a journal developed to disseminate and discuss among stake holders on health research such as researchers, educators, students, practitioners of Health Office, Department of Health, Public Health Service center, as well as the general public who have an interest in the matter of the areas of: 1. Nursing Science 2. Midwifery Science 3. Public health 4. Medicine 5. Pharmacy 6. Biochemistry 7. Molecular biology related drug design 8. Nutrition Science 9. Dental 10. Optometric 11. Cardiovascular 12. Medical Laboratory Technology and 13. Health science in general
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