JUMAD Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business
JUMAD: Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business has been published by Universitas Panca Marga. JUMAD is published six times a year, in February, April, June, August, October, December. JUMAD: Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business on issues relating to empirical investigations of the Indonesian economy. JUMAD aims to tie researchers to share high-quality publications at the national level through a process of double-blind review. Articles published in JUMAD: Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business is expected to cover a variety of topics in the economic field and use standard economic analysis tools that focus on the Indonesian economy. Topics might include the fields of Economics: public economics, international economics, monetary economics, financial economics, health economics, labor economics and others related to economics. Business: finance, marketing, consumer behavior, human resource management, organizational behavior, strategic management, operations and innovation, entrepreneurship, ethics. It is expected that students and researchers are facilitated by JUMAD: Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business is expected to play an important role in understanding the Indonesian economy.
Publication Per Year