Journal of Gastro Tourism (JOGASTO)
Published by shm publisher
The Journal of Gastro Tourism (JOGASTO) e-ISSN: 2985-3931 | p-ISSN: 2985-4350 is a journal that contains research material related to tourism, hospitality, hotel, management, gastronomy, culinary, food and beverage. Various viewpoints are loaded with support from the presentation of material from researchers. The development of gastronomy, hospitality and tourism is possible to get the benefits of the application in life, especially from the perspective of the community, educational, and economic institutions. The Journal of Gastro Tourism, published by SHM Publisher in collaboration with Himpunan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Pariwisata Indonesia, invites scholars to exchange science research papers related to the novelty in the field of tourism and disseminate them to the public. The JOGASTO publication period is carried out every six months, namely in February and August. But, authors can submit their work to JOGASTO at any time throughout the year, as the submission process is continuous. The topic of published papers might be subjected to one or more of the following scopes: Tourism Marine and Coastal Tourism Sustainable Tourism Ecotourism Border Tourism Travel Patterns and other topics related to the development of tourism destinations and infrastructure. Tourism Marketing Marketing Communications Tourists Behavior and other relevant marketing topics Tourism Industry and Investment Tourism Business Tourism Business Technology and Information tourism investment and other relevant topics in tourism industry Human Resources and Institutions Tourism Planning and Policy Tourism Workforce Inter-institutional relations and other topics in relation to human resources and institutions in the tourism
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