Digital Muslim Review
Digital Muslim Review focuses on a landscape view of Islam and Muslim societies in a digital world, paying attention to how its various approaces embody new ways of analysis and critical thinking. The journal discusses ongoing debates in digital Islam within the Muslim world, such as defining the terms of digital Islam, the question of whether digital Islam has (or needs) theoretical grounding, controversies over new models of peer review for digital scholarship, themes related to wider issues in digital projects, and problematic questions surrounding research involving “big data”. A number of the main concerns are to explore a broad spectrum of perspectives on digital Islam; to engage with a variety of digital Islam tools in order to apply the most appropriate technology to facilitate different works in different circumstances; to develop familiarity with a range of digital Islam projects, as well as the ability to evaluate the tools and methods used in those projects; and to become more critical and capable users of digital tools, technologies, and spaces by understanding that all contemporary technologies in the Muslim world are complex, human-driven, and influencing Muslim societies socially, culturally, economically, and politically.
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